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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

This week, we spoke with Sabrina Straessle, a sophomore with the travel bug!

HC: Hi Sabrina! Thank you so much for meeting with us. Do you want to start by telling us what you did for Winter Term this year?

Sabrina Straessle: Of course! I went to Spain to study at the University of Malága.

HC: What did you do while you were there?

SS: I started in Madrid to learn about the history, visit some museums and see the royal palace. I also traveled to Toledo to see the old city and took walking tours of Granade, Sevilla and CĂłrdoba. I got the chance to try a lot of different types of food and experience their lifestyle. I stayed with a host family who taught me a lot more about the Spanish language than I could have imagined. I grew very close to them, and I miss them dearly. Also, the university was very different from DePauw; we had five hours of straight learning with a few ten minute breaks in between. It was so interesting learning new Spanish tenses without speaking any English in between. It was definitely an experience of a lifetime.

HC: It sounds like you were very immersed! Did you know before coming to DePauw that you would want opportunities to study abroad?

SS: Yes, studying abroad was a big part of my college decision. I have always wanted to travel around the world, and it is my goal to see as much as I can before I die.

HC: That is very ambitious of you! Do you have any other study abroad experiences?

SS: I have already been to Amsterdam to study the art, culture and politics, and I will be going to Ireland in May to work with children concerning the current Catholic-Protestant conflict.

HC: It really sounds like you’re making an impact. Is there anything that studying abroad has taught you that you would like to share?

SS: Studying abroad has taught me a lot about the world. I never knew how different someone’s life could be from my own. I think it is important to discover what other cultures are like other than your own and to stay connected with other parts of the world as well.

HC: Beautifully said. Thank you again for telling us about your amazing times overseas, and bon voyage in May!

Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.