This new school year may be all about the new you, but some essentials never change. Keep these seven necessities in your backpack for a seamless year. You’ll thank me later!
Colored Pens
You never know when you’re going to need a different colored pen. Whether your planner is color coded (like mine) or you just find it entertaining to write in pretty colors (also me), you can never go wrong with the colors of the rainbow.
If there is one thing I have learned from living in Indiana for the past year, it’s that you never know what the weather is going to be. It’s better to be prepared and carry an umbrella with you than try to walk home in a torrential downpour.
For most people, college is the first time they have to be completely responsible for themselves and a planner can help them keep track of life’s obligations. It has been found that the more organized you are, the better you learn. Find a system that works for you and stick to it. Â
No matter how much they help you focus, jamming to your favorite songs out loud at the library isn’t necessarily socially acceptable. Make sure you have headphones on hand for impromptu studying or relaxation sessions (or maybe even a trip to the gym if you’re feeling ambitious).
Water Bottle
When you’re up and going all day, water is essential. Get yourself a good water bottle, decorate it with all the decals you want and start hydrating.
It is so frustrating and nerve-wracking when your laptop or phone dies when you were in the middle of something important. Avoid all that and bring your chargers with you during the day.
There is nothing worse than spending an entire class with an obnoxious piece of food stuck in your teeth. Not only is it painful and distracting, but it can also be embarrassing if it’s in a prominent spot. Make sure you pack flossers for on the go relief.