In the beginning of college you are essentially living with a “stranger,” therefore you want to make your living situation as comfortable as possible. However, if you hit it off, she may become one of your bridesmaids or even your maid of honor in the future! Here are a few tips on how to be a better roommate.
Clean the room without having to be asked
We all know how messy our dorm rooms can get because of busy schedules. Clothes being thrown on the ground and beds not being made seem like a constant. When you have a chance, cleaning your side and her side can be a very nice gift!
Write her notes
College can be quite stressful! Therefore, leaving your roommate cute inspiring notes can brighten her day. It could be as simple as “You’re awesome!”
Being on the same page is imperative in any relationship, especially with someone who you are living with! Make sure you talk about problems or issues that arise as soon as possible.
Make sure you ask before taking.
As close as you guys might be, you should still always ask before borrowing clothes or materials.
Spend time together!
It is important to bond and spend time with each other. It could be anything from a midnight sing along to your favorite songs to getting lunch off campus!