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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

There is so much happening in the world right now, and it can often seem like it’s all negative. Because people respond to fear, the news often highlights the negative moments, making it seem like everything is bad. A new surge of Covid-19 cases. A mass murder at a high school. A raging wildfire in California. Sound familiar?

While this causes you to believe that the world is getting worse, this is not the case. There is more good than bad happening in life; you just need to focus on it. The best way I have found to do this is by keeping a gratitude journal. 

For me, just starting one was the hardest part. I thought that it would be a waste of time or too much effort. I failed to realize the true benefit of keeping one. But once I started, I realized how easy and helpful it is.  

Every day, I just list a few things that happened that were good. Little moments I am grateful for. There’s no wrong way to keep a gratitude journal. The goal is just to remember and reflect on a few good things that happened every day. For example, it could be as little as a really great coffee in the morning to something as important as getting your dream job. All you have to do is list a few good moments. 

By putting these moments in writing, you will start rewiring your brain to focus on the positive things. Science has indicated that this practice can lower stress, give you a greater sense of calm, and help you gain clarity in life. In just a few minutes everyday, you can reap the various benefits. 
While news stations and other outlets might focus on the negative in the world, you can reframe your world to highlight the positive.

Hey, I'm KP! I'm in the class of 2025 at DePauw pursuing my interests in business through the Management Fellows Program. I write for the Features section of DePauw's HerCampus.