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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Although we all love DePauw, by the time finals week rolls around all we want is summer vacation, yummy food, a comfy bed, and a hot, shoeless shower. After those few months off, though, it is so nice to be back on campus catching up with everyone. These lucky girls told me about their crazy summer adventures, awesome internships, and the ways they gave back and had a great time this summer. Be jealous.

Ella Smoot was a counselor at Camp Thunderbird in Bemidji, Minnesota. She was a water ski instructor and a camp counselor for third and fourth graders for ten weeks. “This is the during the first two weeks before the kids arrived. I had the opportunity to meet a bunch of people from around the world and I look forward to visiting them when I study abroad!”

Kristen Hupenbecker went to the Olympics with her two sisters and parents. They were there for ten days including the opening ceremonies. “We went to events such as gymnastics, swimming and beach volleyball. This picture is when we got to see Gabby win!”

Courtney Lehmann went on the May Term trip to Italy with Francesca and Michael Seaman, since she is a swimmer and cannot go during Winter Term. For two weeks they were primarily based in the northeastern town of Grado, Italy. They traveled to cities such as Croatia, Slovenia, and Venice as well, and learned about the history of various art pieces, artists, and architecture.“I always dreamed of travelling abroad, and getting the chance to travel throughout Italy was amazing.”

Katherine Copper spent three weeks in the Santo Domingo Del Este, Dominican Republic volunteering at a camp for kids 5 to 14 years old. She taught them English every morning, coached sports, counted homes for government registration, and gave swim lessons. “My favorite part of the trip was working with the kids. They were always happy and fun to be around, and they were so generous and willing to share.”

Marcelle Forsyth lived in New York, and interned at RedLine Films Production Company. At RedLine, her tasks ranged from typical “intern work” (filing, random errands, and transcribing) to more legitimate responsibilities like screenwriting, and working on an actual production set.“It was a great experience not only because of my exposure to the various realms of media, but the independence I gained through living on my own in Manhattan. I had to buy my own groceries, memorize the subway system, and take advantage of all that NYC has to offer. It was SO hard to leave New York City, but you can bet I’ll be finding a way back.”

Mckenzie Curran is a Sociology and Communication major at DePauw University. Mckenzie is new to the HerCampus Team, and looks forward to planning HerCampus events in the upcoming school year in order to spread awareness of the site. Mckenzie spends her free time going to campus events, baking, and hanging out with her Kappa Alpha Theta sisters.