You Know You’re a DePauw Student When…Beginning to Plan Your Summer Plans in March Means You’re Late
Especially if you are an upperclassman, you have probably had that momentary freak-out when you wonder what exactly you are going to do this summer. Paid internships are hard to come by, especially ones that are located where you want to be located, look good on your resume, and reflect what you want to do when you graduate. Not only that, but first you have to think about what you want to do when you graduate, and where exactly you want to be. It may seem daunting, but now is the time to consider your options.
Here are some tips:
1. If you don’t know what you want to do, try anything. If it ends up sparking your interest, great. If not, at least you can cross that option off your list.
2. Reach out to past employers and ask them if they know anyone that would be willing to hire a college student for the summer. Maintaining these connections are invaluable for your career search, both now and in the future.
3. Meet with your advisors, even if they don’t have specific jobs in mind, they can at least point you in the right direction.
4. Update your LinkedIn account and apply for one job a day. It seems less overwhelming if you do one thing at a time.
5. Contact DePauw grads. They have been through all of this before and can probably give you some ideas and make you feel less nervous about life after graduation.
6. Go to Career Fairs! You may already have a full schedule, but these fairs can expose you to careers or companies you may never have considered before.