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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

It is that time of year again! It is a time when school spirit is in full swing, and you treat every day like a fashion show. Yup, you guessed it, it is finally homecoming season! Although I have the school spirit 365 days of the year, it’s something about homecoming that brings out extra school spirit. 

While I enjoy the parties and hanging out with friends, the part I look forward to the most is getting ready. The anticipation for that day is what sets the tone.

With each homecoming, I make a note of what I can do to improve my overall experience. Whether it’s getting a full eight hours of sleep the night before or making sure I dress warm, I take a mental note. 

In the moment, it can be challenging to make a list of everything you will need, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Here is a list of a few essentials to keep the good times rolling. 

  1. Portable Charger 

Imagine this: You are in the cutest outfit imaginable. You have partied all night and your phone dies right when you decide to take a selfie! Yes, I know, it sounds like the one-sentence horror stories we used to write in elementary school, but unfortunately, this is an actual occurrence. Cell phones always manage to die at the worst possible moments. Escape the dead phone blues by carrying a portable charger. That way, you can party all night and never worry about it dying!

      2. Comfortable Shoes

The only thing I love more than a cute shoe is a comfortable one. While I understand the importance of having the “perfect” shoe, remember that the health of your feet is equally as important. I know, I know, it’s only for one night, but do you really want to spend that night leaning on the wall in agony because your feet hurt? Yeah, I didn’t think so! There are tons of cute and comfortable footwear options that you can choose from. Don’t let the long-standing myth of a cute and comfortable shoe not existing stop you from finding your perfect match. 

        3. Mini Water Bottle 

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration, it’s the key to any successful night. Now, I know what you may think: water bottles are not the cutest accessory, but who said anyone had to see it? Pack a mini water bottle in your purse, and tada! Not only will you stay hydrated, but you won’t have to worry about lugging around a full-sized water bottle. 

        4.   Mini Perfume

You know what they say: all great things come in miniature sizes! After partying for a couple of hours, you may want to sneak away to the bathroom for a little refresher. Make sure to pack a mini perfume to give yourself a perfume touch-up. Allowing you to dance the night away, in your favorite fragrance. 

These are just a few essentials on my list this homecoming season. Even though all of these items are absolute lifesavers, do not forget to pack the most important essential: a positive attitude! Remember that this day is meant to be full of laughter and fun, whether you pack the essentials or not; as long as you have a positive outlook, you will have a memorable homecoming! 

Anaya Balkcom is a current sophomore attending Delaware State University, and pursuing a degree in Mass Communications with a concentration in Convergence Journalism. Prior to attending Delaware State University, Anaya graduated from The Ursuline High School where she was a member of the Female Empowering Voices Program. During this time Anaya was selected to represent her school in a CBS news special on the topic of New Rochelle Students inspired by Vice President Kamala Harris. It was at this time Anaya discovered her true passion found in the area of Mass Communications. From there, in Anaya’s senior year of high school, she explored different avenues in Mass Communication through an internship BronxNet Open 2.0 with BronxNet TV Station. During this internship Anaya created, hosted, edited, and programmed feature segments. Through this she gained exposure to the world of television and film. Upon entry into DSU, Anaya became a member of the campus radio station and composed articles for the campus newspaper. You can also find Anaya’s latest work in the media on Spotify, under the podcast titled “All in With Anaya Morgan.”