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Fun Activities To Enjoy With Friends This Fall!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Fun Activities for You and Your Dorm Mates This Fall!

The best part of returning to college is the traditional fall festivities. The months are filled with non-stop celebrations. As a college student, the season of holidays is magnified by 10, when you include the Football Games, Welcome Week parties, and Homecoming Festivities. 

While I have realized the first semester is arguably the best, one of the things I missed the most from being away from home was all the fun activities I would participate in to prepare for the holidays.

After months of feeling like I was missing out on the holiday festivities, I realized I could recreate the same sense of joy that I loved at home with my friends here on campus. I compiled a list of fun activities you can participate in this semester. 

  1. Apple Picking 

Apple picking is always a fan favorite amongst the autumn girlies. Even if you have no plans to use the apples, it never hurts to take adorable pictures by the trees or the pumpkin patch if they have one. Most apple orchards provide hayrides, haunted houses, mazes, and more to get you in the spirit!

  1.  Decorate Your Suite 

Nothing sets the mood for fall more than a pumpkin-scented candle. Team up with your roommates and go shopping for some fall decor. Most places are starting to put their decor on display for the season, so do not miss out on the cute candles and fluffy blankets. 

  1.  Decorate a Pumpkin 

Carve out some time to get together with friends and decorate pumpkins! I know carving pumpkins can be difficult and messy, but there are other alternatives. You could paint your pumpkins, cover them in glitter, or draw a smiley face. The point of the gathering is not necessarily decorating the pumpkin but gathering with your friends and creating unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. 

  1. Make a Spooky Basket 

Whether you are making it for a significant other, a friend, or even yourself, you can never go wrong with a spooky basket. All you have to do is find a cute bucket, some delicious snacks, a cozy stuffed animal or blanket, and you’re good to go! I don’t know about you, but you can sign me up for twenty of these bad boys!

  1.  Host a Watch Party

 One of my all-time favorite parts of the holiday season is Freeform’s countdown. Whether it is the 25-day countdown to Christmas or the 31-day Countdown to Halloween, I am glued to my seat! Host a movie night with friends, then sit back and watch your favorite films on repeat.

These options will surely put you in the holiday mood, so have fun, stay safe, and enjoy the fun-filled semester. 

Anaya Balkcom is a current sophomore attending Delaware State University, and pursuing a degree in Mass Communications with a concentration in Convergence Journalism. Prior to attending Delaware State University, Anaya graduated from The Ursuline High School where she was a member of the Female Empowering Voices Program. During this time Anaya was selected to represent her school in a CBS news special on the topic of New Rochelle Students inspired by Vice President Kamala Harris. It was at this time Anaya discovered her true passion found in the area of Mass Communications. From there, in Anaya’s senior year of high school, she explored different avenues in Mass Communication through an internship BronxNet Open 2.0 with BronxNet TV Station. During this internship Anaya created, hosted, edited, and programmed feature segments. Through this she gained exposure to the world of television and film. Upon entry into DSU, Anaya became a member of the campus radio station and composed articles for the campus newspaper. You can also find Anaya’s latest work in the media on Spotify, under the podcast titled “All in With Anaya Morgan.”