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The In-Between: The Awkward Steps Between Childhood and Adulthood

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

While many describe your teens and early 20s as the best time of your life, there’s one subject they don’t seem to bring up: the awkward stage between being an adult and still being viewed as a child. It’s a time when you can enlist in war but are too young to drink. 

Don’t get me wrong, this point of our lives can be amazing. We are learning about the world from a new perspective, like a newborn baby learning how to walk or talk; we are learning how to navigate the world through the eyes of an adult. 

At times, this can feel challenging, the feeling of wanting to make our own decisions but not wanting to fail. Starting college was a huge adjustment for me, and I was in constant limbo, which was often terrifying.

Especially when tackling chores that we’re accustomed to seeing adults do, for example, making doctor’s appointments, going grocery shopping, etc., it makes me feel like I’m playing pretend. It reminds me of the children’s museums that let little kids act like adults for the day, yet my decisions had real consequences, and I had to use real money instead of Monopoly money.

I stopped worrying about what I should or shouldn’t be doing and started focusing on what I was doing. Our worries about tomorrow often steal the joy of today. Instead of worrying, I decided to devise a quick guide to help young adults navigate their way through adulthood. 

Step One: Organize your time. 

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that time is one of the most important things in life. In my first year of college, I felt like I always had a chore to do. Whether it was washing clothes or picking up mail, it seemed like I was constantly cleaning or working. This is when I realized I had to organize my time. I decided to buy a planner and list all the tasks I needed to complete for the week. From there, I divided the tasks among a day or two and devoted those days to completing those tasks. Over time, I’ve realized that it is essential to plan ahead to prevent yourself from wasting time.

Step Two: Budget your expenses

When discussing college expenses, people usually discuss tuition, housing, meal plans, etc. Once I came to college, I realized that the costs did not stop at tuition. Clothes, hairstyles, and lunch were all extra expenses I was unprepared for. Sometimes, you may like a change of pace, whether buying a new outfit, trying a new hairstyle, or a new food. Instead of being blindsided by the added expenses, budget your money ahead of time. Make sure you have money aside for added expenses or if you ever want to spoil yourself after a long day. 

Once I receive my check from work, I list upcoming events. From there, I brainstormed what hairstyle I would wear for these events and put money aside. I also check my closet to plan my outfits for these events to avoid the last-minute panic of buying a new outfit. This budgeting method has helped me immensely this year and prevented me from overspending.

Step Three: Don’t procrastinate 

Lastly, don’t procrastinate. I know sometimes it’s hard to start an assignment if you just came back from classes or are uninterested in the topic. However, completing this task is even more challenging when it is due at 11:59 and you start working on it at 10:59. Allot time in your schedule to get your work done. This will help to prevent experiencing anxiety about finishing a task. 

In college, the best thing to avoid is procrastination. Whether that pertains to homework or daily chores. If you leave the task to the last minute, it may become increasingly difficult to complete all requirements for that assignment. Make sure you take care of the things that matter first before you hang out with friends. 

At first, it may seem difficult to add these steps to your routine, but it will feel like second nature as time goes on. Remember to be gentle with yourself and take everything one step at a time; it will all work out! 

Anaya Balkcom is a current sophomore attending Delaware State University, and pursuing a degree in Mass Communications with a concentration in Convergence Journalism. Prior to attending Delaware State University, Anaya graduated from The Ursuline High School where she was a member of the Female Empowering Voices Program. During this time Anaya was selected to represent her school in a CBS news special on the topic of New Rochelle Students inspired by Vice President Kamala Harris. It was at this time Anaya discovered her true passion found in the area of Mass Communications. From there, in Anaya’s senior year of high school, she explored different avenues in Mass Communication through an internship BronxNet Open 2.0 with BronxNet TV Station. During this internship Anaya created, hosted, edited, and programmed feature segments. Through this she gained exposure to the world of television and film. Upon entry into DSU, Anaya became a member of the campus radio station and composed articles for the campus newspaper. You can also find Anaya’s latest work in the media on Spotify, under the podcast titled “All in With Anaya Morgan.”