Name: Annalee Greenspon
Class Year: 2021
Major: English major and future Creative Writing minor
HC: What are you involved in on campus?
AG: Her Campus, Kappa Alpha Theta, and I am a lifeguard at the Dickinson pool!
HC: Describe yourself in three words.Â
AG: Charismatic, curious, funny
HC: How did you choose your major?
AG: When I came to Dickinson, I knew in the back of my mind that I wanted to be an English major, but I tried a bunch of different classes and thought that I might discover something else that I loved more than English. I took one English class and immediately fell in love so I decided to take another and then I decided to declare.
HC: What do you do as the social media director?
AG: I run Her Campus’s social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. I frequently post about recent articles that have been published and also post photos to brighten people’s moods!
HC: What is your favorite social media app to use?
AG: I find myself frequently getting sucked into the rabbit hole of Instagram. I am always on the explore page. Typically, I am scrolling through cute animal videos, funny memes, or Broadway clips.
HC: Where is your favorite place to study on campus?
AG: I know it’s cliché, but I love the first floor reading room in the library. There’s something about sitting in one of those big arm chairs looking out the window that inspires me to get work done. If I really need to crack down and get work done on a Sunday afternoon, I frequently go to Denny 317 with a bunch of my friends, but it depends on if it’s cold outside and if I want to walk that far.
HC: What is one thing people don’t know about you?
AG: I have written five books. I published one when I was fourteen, but I would love to re-edit it and actually give it some substance and meaning. I hope one day to officially publish a novel, but for now I am focusing on college.