I’m sure we’ve all said at some point, “I’m sorry I’m too busy” or, “This isn’t really a good time for me.”
I remember sitting on my couch with tears streaming down my face trying to explain to my mom why I wasn’t going out for ice cream with my friends even though I really wanted to. Eight year old me was starting to learn a very hard lesson: prioritizing. I remember her gently pulling my hands away from my face and saying “If it’s important to you then you’ll make time for it and if not, then there will never be a good time.”
Twelve years later and I still replay those words in my head. But now that I’m older, it’s more and more frequently. Finals are right around the corner and it feels like I don’t have any time for anything except to continue to bury my head in my books and eat chocolate. Beyond finals is a much deserved and needed break, which is a great excuse for not starting a relationship. Because honestly, what new relationship would survive after a very stressful sleepless finals week and then six weeks of long distance? And then next semester, there will be more excuses: You have figure out how to balance your workload with new professors.. Next year, you’re going to be gone at least for a semester abroad, so what’s the point in starting anything now if you’re leaving so soon anyway? The same excuses work for debating about breaking up or even texting your crush.
And then there’s the ever-looming job and internship application process. What is more nerve wracking than sending a cold email to an alumni and asking for an interview? During the day you make excuses not to contact someone, why you shouldn’t advocate for yourself. The list of excuses is endless. The truth is that there is never a good time to start something new, to end something, or to take a risk.
Babe Ruth once said, “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Now is a good of time as any to do the things that you are afraid to do. If you want to do something and it’s important to you, then just do it. Start that blog that you’ve been talking about for the past two years, text that cute guy from chemistry, and send out your resume. Don’t wait. The worst thing that you can do is not do anything at all.