Drexel has a reputation for being reluctant to close down the school after a snowstorm. Whether you’ve been here for four months or four years, all Drexel students have or will face the disappointment of not getting the snow day they wanted. Here are just a few of the thoughts you had/will have when you don’t get a day off.
1. Your roommate just told you that it’s supposed to snow tonight
2. And you’re not in the mood to wake up early for work/class tomorrow
3. So you start looking up how many inches of snow we’re getting
4. According to the forcast it looks like the storm is going to be pretty bad …
5. The words “polar vortex” never looked so beautiful
6. You start hoping that class/work will be cancelled
7. Every hour or so you look outside until snowflakes start falling
8. Hallelujah! There’s snow.
9. Of course, this means it might be super cold outside when the snow day’s over but …
10. … It’s totally worth it
11. And now you can go to bed knowing that there’s still hope
12. The next day you wake up and wonder why it’s so bright outside
13. You suddenly remember that it started snowing last night
14. So you look outside aaaaaand the snow didn’t stick as well as you’d hoped
15. But it’s ok, there’s still a chance you’ll get an email saying you can stay in bed
16. One hour later and it’s time to leave your apartment. Guess there’s no snow day
17. Looks like you got your hopes up for nothing
18. There’s still plenty of winter left though. Hopefully your snow day will come soon!