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3 Ways to Get Ahead In Your Career Field

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Image courtesy of WeHeartIt

With the new year upon us, we tend to create resolutions to better ourselves and our lives. One of those resolutions may be to improve your performance at work. Whether you have a work-study job at college, are a waitress, or you’re an intern at a corporation, it’s great to always push yourself a little and see how much you can succeed. Here are a few tried-and-true tips on how to get ahead in the workplace and show your employers how dedicated you are!


1. Never be afraid to ask any type of question

It can be embarrassing sometimes when your boss asks you to complete a task and you have no idea what they’re talking about, or maybe you just didn’t hear what they said the first two times and you need them to repeat the instructions. Never ever be afraid to ask any question – no matter how dumb you think it is. Chances are, someone has probably either asked the same question before or is having the same thought! In order to avoid miscommunication and cut down on mistakes, make sure that you actively listen and jot down notes on a small notepad to remind yourself, and if you still don’t understand, ask them to politely repeat the task or instructions. Your boss will appreciate the effort you’re taking to complete what they ask with care.

Image courtesy of WeHeartIt


2. Find a mentor

Managers and people in higher-up positions can be very intimidating, but they don’t have to be! They usually have good intentions and are willing to help if you ask them. These people were once your age and in your shoes, totally clueless and not knowing what they wanted to do with their lives. If there is someone older who you aspire to be, shoot them an email or get a minute with them in person and ask them out for coffee or lunch. When you have that conversation with them, express interest in their journey to where they are now. Ask questions like, “What is something that you know about yourself now that you wish your younger self knew?” and “What was your first job?”


3.  Learn outside of the workplace

If you are really motivated to get ahead, you know that learning can happen outside of the classroom and the workplace. If your job offers training on computer programs, communication skills, or anything that will benefit you, it’s probably a good idea to take advantage of it. It’ll give you a competitive edge and you’ll also gain more knowledge, and that’s never a bad thing to have too much of. Also, visit your local library to read books about topics that interest you and read news articles online to be more aware of what’s going on in the world and how it relates to the work that you do.


It’s never too late to become a girlboss and start taking initiative so that you can get ahead to reach your ultimate goals! By putting these three practices in place, you’ll be sure to see some improvement and praise this year!

Rachel is a senior at Drexel University majoring in Design & Merchandising. She dreams of traveling the world and loves to learn about new cultures and languages. She also aspires to be the editor-in-chief of her own fashion magazine one day. You can find her binge watching Vanderpump Rules, eating way too much mac & cheese, dancing to her favorite songs and exploring when she goes city-hopping!
Her Campus Drexel contributor.