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Campus Cutie: Brittany Tucciarone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Name:  Brittany Tucciarone (Pronounced like macaroni)Age: 20Major: Marketing, Entrepreneurship and International BusinessClass: Pre-JuniorRelationship Status: In a Relationship

What are your favorite things to do in your free time?Reading, shopping, going to the beach, hanging out with friends, playing board games, and going to concerts!

If you’re not in class where will we most likely find you on campus/activities you’re involved in?I am currently a Resident Assistant in Millennium Hall so I love to hang in with my residents. I’m also the Treasurer for Phi Mu so I am always at our events or at the house visiting all the girls.

What’s your ideal first date?Nothing stereotypical. I like to try new things and make new memories. The typical “dinner and a movie” doesn’t sound exciting to me. Something as simple as walking around and exploring parts of the city that I haven’t seen yet sounds like much more fun!

What’s your motto?“Everything happens for a reason. If it’s meant to be, it’ll work out in the end.” My great grandma taught me this, and it has helped me to not stress about things that I cannot change in life.

What’s the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?On my last day during a trip to California, my friend and I were going to get lunch at a cliff with benches overlooking a beach. When we got there, there was a business that had tandem paragliding. Within ten minutes we decided to basically walk off of a cliff and glide over Torrey Pines Beach and Golf Course (where Tiger Woods practices)! It was one of the most beautiful, memorable, and exhilarating experiences of my life!

What’s your spirit animal?I don’t know if I have a spirit animal, but I LOVE cows! They’re so adorable, and they remind me of home. I also saw a picture recently of a cow with its hair blow dried, which I now want to do to a cow. Feel free to look it up, ‘cause it’s hysterical. 

What’s your ‘fun fact’?I marched in the 2011 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! I was a part of the All-American Cheerleading Squad with girls from all over the country, so we performed at the end of the parade on TV in front of Macy’s. I even keep in contact with some of the girls that I met there!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?I’ve never left the country, but I imagine somewhere abroad just outside of a city, that is close to a beach. That would be ideal.

If you weren’t at Drexel what would you be doing with your life?I honestly cannot imagine my life without Drexel. It has helped mold me into the person I am now, so I think I would be a completely different person if I never came to school here. Realistically, if I didn’t come here, I probably would have gone to another school that had a big football team. I love the idea of sitting in a huge crowd on game day cheering with all your friends!

What’s one thing on your bucket list?Swimming with dolphins! I really want to try and accomplish this within the next year.




Dyana is a pre-junior at Drexel University with a double major in marketing and finance.  She is often stuck on campus studying for her majors, but in her free time she loves to explore what the city has to offer.  Dyana also loves to exercise and stay active all year round; she is always trying new workouts and researching the best way to stay active.  As a closet writer, she is excited to publish her work for Her Campus Drexel! 
Her Campus Drexel contributor.