Matt Salvetti
Age: 21
Hometown: Boyertown, PA
Major: sociology & environmental studies
Class: juniorÂ
Describe yourself in three words:Â
Matt Salvetti: Driven, amicable, fun-lovingÂ
What are your hobbies?Â
MS: Surfing, snowboarding, lacrosse. Â
Are you involved in any student organizations?Â
MS: Club lacrosseÂ
What is your favorite part about Drexel?Â
MS: Probably it’s location. I grew up in a small town so being in Philadelphia, where there is always something to do, is a blast. I’m a huge Philly sports fan so being a short drive away from the stadiums and being able to go to games is a huge plus. Â
Why did you choose Drexel?Â
MS: The co-op program. The fact that Drexel gives you the opportunity to graduate with work experience made it a no-brainer for me. Â
What is the best moment you have had here?
MS: I don’t think I could peg one moment as the best I’ve had at Drexel. I’ve spent a lot of time with a lot of really great friends and made a lot of memories in the process, but I don’t think I can pick a best moment. Â
What do you plan to do after you graduate?
MS: If everything works out as planned, I intend to join the Peace Corps and work for a couple of years before applying to law school.