You should be incredibly proud of yourself. You made it through one of the toughest years to date! While your GPA is important, what’s even more essential is your health. Burnout is common, especially when dealing with endless Zoom meetings. Here are a few ways you can deal with burnout.
- Get some shut-eye.
Chances are you’ve been staying up late because of procrastination, endless scrolling on social feeds, or just plain boredom. Burnout will only make this even worse. Try falling asleep early if you plan on waking up early and get at least eight hours of sleep. Have a day where you don’t need to set an alarm? Let yourself sleep in.
- Destress and relax.
Take some time out of your day to kick back and relax. Plug in your headphones and listen to some soothing melodies. Unplug for a day, turn off your screens, and go outside. If you’re feeling like a day of movement, try out some yoga moves.
- Reach out to your close circle.
If you’re experiencing burnout, you’re likely also experiencing a lack of connection with those closest to you. Reach out to your friends, family, coworkers on Zoom or Skype. Talk about anything you want: work, school, pets. Try to stay as positive as possible.
- Find a new purpose.
If you’re feeling like your days are becoming monotonous, find new hobbies like journaling or coding. You can also give back to your community by volunteering at your local food bank or tutoring center. Check out your local and campus resources for opportunities.
Burnout is no small deal. Take it seriously and put your mental health first. Sit back, relax, take up a new hobby, and destress.