I always thought lash serums were just trickery. How could applying a liquid to your lashes everyday work? What’s in them that makes them this magic potion?
My mom introduced me to Rodan and Fields, a popular upscale skincare brand that targets just about anything from fixing wrinkles to facial cleansers. The brand originally curated the infamous Proactiv, the popular acne treatment brand targeted towards young adults. I always thought Rodan and Fields were of the “bougie” tier of skincare, but looking at it now, their quality realistically matches their price. Let me tell you it’s worth it.
Sure, we are all obsessed with the long lash trend, who isn’t? Many seek either to apply glue on strip lashes or manage to get lash extensions. By popular demand, many visit lash technicians almost every few weeks and get a full pair of bombshell lashes. But me? I don’t have the time, and rather not the kind of money. Check this out.
Before Rodan and Fields Lash Boost:
Image Courtesy of Zara Barrett
Out of most lash serum reviews I looked into, I found out that Rodan and Fields had the best reviews, against Grande Cosmetics Lash Boost. So fine, I had to go for the best, but I was not disappointed. Sure, the amount of $150 is pricey for a little 0.17 fluid ounce of liquid but rather cheap. Comparing to lash extensions, a full set usually start from $79 at salons, as for refills are an additional cost. You can be spending from $170 to $250…monthly. As for Rodan and Fields, with one down payment of $150, this has lasted me not only one month but five.
Yes. This lash serum has lasted me well worth my money, but my lashes have never felt better. After a month I could really realize some difference in the length and strength of the lashes. This serum does not work overnight! Patience is key while using this product. I usually have sensitive skin and was afraid this product would make me react; however, this was not the case. I had no eye or skin reactions, nor is there a harshness with the product. As instructed, I apply the serum every night. It is a clear smooth serum that absorbs smoothly and comfortably right before I go to bed.
After Months of Rodan and Fields Lash Boost:
Image Courtesy of Zara Barrett
Initially, it was hard to include applying the serum into my nightly routine, as I would forget regularly, but once you do there is no going back. I recommend this product to anyone and everyone, as I not only believe it is a great price or fabulous formula, but it is perfect for the on-the-go gal. I am not one to give that much time and to boredom for lashes that fall out in a matter of weeks.
Meanwhile, there are some misconceptions with Rodan and Fields Lash Boost or boosts in general. The more applications you use for one day does not mean you get longer lashes quicker. Just don’t do it, save your magical serum. In addition, add this stuff to your brows, I have tried it for a month and it also works. Also, don’t apply this to your lashes in the morning, it is better for the formula to soak overnight.
My lashes feel good: strong, long, and bold. Why wouldn’t you want the look of fluttery, flirty lashes that are actually yours?