I’ve always loved to read. When I was younger, I immersed myself in stories, reading well beyond the level of my age. There is just something about becoming attached to a good storyline, and the emotions it brings you. Not to mention, finishing books brings an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.
Most of us, however, have such a busy schedule that it’s hard to find the time to pick up a book and just read for a while. But it’s so therapeutic!
That’s why my New Year’s resolution was to try to read as much as possible outside of my school readings, even if it was just once a month. When I discovered a monthly subscription box called Book of the Month, I jumped headfirst into trying to accomplish this resolution. Â
Books I received since starting my subscription in January.
Let’s be honest, we don’t always end up keeping New Year’s resolutions past January. But paying for a subscription pushed me to commit. In my opinion, the price of the subscription isn’t too shabby. It’s just $14.99 a month for a hardcover book! If you’re a reader, you know that hardcovers are usually a little more expensive than that – and, you don’t pay any extra for shipping. It’s a steady price each month, no strings attached.
On the first of each month, the Book of the Month team releases five different books of all different genres for you to choose from. Each book has nifty icons that give you an overview of what the book will bring you, a synopsis, and some reviews to give you an idea of whether it’s something you’d like to read or not.
The first book and bookmark I received: The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
I was a little skeptical when I first signed up about whether the subscription would end up being worth it, but I was beyond impressed when I chose my first book, The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. One of the coolest parts was that Book of the Month offered the book to subscribers before it was even officially released! (Side note: this book is a MUST READ for fans of thrillers and mystery. Plus, Alex Michaelides is an up and coming writer deserving of support and good feedback!)
I was very impressed with the turnaround after choosing my monthly. It was boxed and shipped in the same week, minimizing the wait time before I got to enjoy my monthly book!
The second I opened the box, I was already impressed before I even opened the book. For the sake of subscription, the book covers are customized with the Book of the Month logo on the corner, and the back of the book features the same logo with the month you received it written underneath. Not only that, each box comes with a flier with all of the books offered for the month on it and a cute bookmark with a book-related inspirational quote. I don’t know about you, but I found it adorable!
Also, when you first sign up, there are always codes you can use to receive an extra free book. I received mine on my second box, so I have plenty of reading to do!Â
If you have a little extra time for relaxation and good reads over Spring Break, check out Book of the Month’s website! If you love to read, I promise you that you won’t regret it! Happy Spring Reading!