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Holidays of Love and Your (Somewhat) Significant Other: How to Deal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

So it’s Valentines Day. Or rather it’s your birthday, or Christmas, or any other special holiday where the love and feelings are running rampant! 

You have met a guy/girl fairly recently, but you’re not officially dating yet. You like them and they like you, but you don’t want to move too fast. What do you do? 

I know this question is one that plagues many of us this time of the year. You want to hang out with that other person, but you’re unsure where you stand. You don’t know what exactly he/she feels for you, and frankly it’s a bit too early to tell. I’ve got some solid advice for all y’all out there in this current conundrum, based on real-life experience. And that is simply: take it easy! There’s no need to worry about what everything means this early in the relationship. If nothing has been defined than who are you to try and rush to define who you two are? 

For some of course, this may be the time to prepare yourself. A certain special someone could be preparing to ask the special question: Do you want to be exclusive? Hopefully, this will be accompanied by a declaration of affection and some appropriately “dawwwwww”- worthy hearts and flowers. 

But for some of the rest of us, myself included, you are still kinda stuck there in that in-between spot. And that’s okay.

If you do hang out with your crush, make sure to keep things lighthearted- it is after all just one day in the calendar. If it’s your birthday or the holidays, spend time with your family and friends and make time for your potential beau if you both feel that you want to. If it’s Valentines day, make it about your relationships with everybody- your girlfriends, your mentor, or even your dog and include whomever else as sparingly as you feel is right. 

This is no time to rush into something just so you can tell people you had a fancy date, or were epically swept off your feet. You don’t need that to feel special, and you certainly don’t need the confusion and potential regret you’re bound to feel if you push too soon. 

Everyday should be a special one- and if it’s meant to be with that new important someone, then there’s always next week, next month or next year do it right. 

Elle Wagner is a sophmore this year at the Univesity of Denver and is a double major in International Relations and Communication Studies with a minor in French. She works as a model for Wilhelmina International and enjoys to travel, eat lots of cheesecake and spend time with her Dutch Family in Den Haag, Holland. She is super thrilled to be a writer for Her Campus and is always looking forward to the next piece she gets to write! HCXO