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Meet the Editor-in-Chief of the Clarion: Hannah Branit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

This quarter, I met Hannah Branit in ‘Fantastic Short Stories of Latin America’, a class we share. Not only was she amazing and consistently giving great critical analysis in class, but I later found out at a USG meeting that she is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Clarion. Look at her go! I love seeing other women in positions of power in male-dominated fields, so I am proudly dedicating this article to Hannah! 

What degree are you pursuing and why?

I am a Psychology major with minors in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Spanish, and History. I have always been fascinated by Psychology and never really wanted to pursue anything else. I added on minors based on classes that I was taking that were really interesting, or topics that were really important to me.

What made you join the Clarion, and then run for Editor-in-Chief position?

I joined my freshman year because I missed writing regularly. After writing for a year, I was selected for the job of Sports Editor for my sophomore year. I ran for Editor-in-Chief because I had found a great, supportive community through the Clarion, and I wanted to be able to help others find that community, as well as be a part of creating that community myself.

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How does this position connect with your degree? 

I definitely think there’s a connection between what we learn about in psychology and the importance of creating relationships and connections in the Clarion.

Do you believe that woman representation in the media is important? Why?

100% I think that womxn representation in the media is incredibly important. In order to tell the stories that we tell, it’s important to have journalists from all different backgrounds and walks of life so that we can both responsibly and ethically tell these stories.

Do you feel that being a woman in a position of power in the field of journalism is different than for men? 

It’s important to show diverse folks in positions of power throughout different areas. By being in the position I am in, I hope to show others that womxn like me can be in positions of power and own those positions of power. When we are in positions of power, we can work to tell the stories that are important to us, and the stories that are often marginalized or left out of the mainstream consciousness.

Do you think there are layered issues for women of other marginalized identities such as ethnicity or sexual identity?

I definitely think there are layered issues for womxn of other marginalized identities. Our identities all intersect with each other and impact the way that we see the world and the way that we tell our stories. The stories that we tell as well, the things that we are passionate about and want to talk about, are impacted by our identities.

How is it being an Asian woman navigating the field of journalism? 

I have been lucky enough to feel supported by people through my role as Editor-in-Chief. I haven’t seen many folks who are like me in the same position, especially since, in China, there is quite a bit of push back against open journalism and free media. If anything, that has only helped fuel my desire to speak up against inequities in the world.

Any other ideas or comments or advice you’d like to share? 

If you are ever interested in journalism, do it (join the Clarion or your campus’ newspaper!). I cannot say enough for how empowering it is to act as an amplifier for other stories!!

Currently a graduate from the University of Denver with a BS in Psychology (concentration: cognitive neuroscience) and BA in Spanish. With a passion for learning, she enjoys understanding more the world, others, and herself. She absolutely loves her orange hair, being a woman, traveling, languages, and exploring new ideas and cultures. Also, she's in the #girlgang for life.