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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

I am not very good at poetry,

I have never been able to write something

            that makes someone’s heart flutter,

I have never been able to write something

            that doesn’t belong in a gutter.


When I was younger, I never understood poetry… 

Why do people write it? Why do people read it?

I never really understood poetry.


I still don’t fully understand,

but I appreciate it more now,

especially the simpler ones

            that talk about butterflies,

especially the simpler ones

            that talk about sunflowers.


Not all poems have to rhyme, 

and not all poets have to shine. 

Hi, I’m Zoe! I am a sophomore at DU studying English and I’m from Colorado Springs, CO. I love reading and writing, listening to music and attending concerts, and hanging out with my family!
I am a Senior at the University of Denver studying Communication Studies, Marketing, and Writing Practices. I love photography, exercise, reading, and trying new foods. I am currently one of the CC's here at HCDU.