As we continue to move through the fall semester, a cloud has begun to loom in the distance; for some of us it is rapidly approaching and for others it has already arrived. This impending storm has one name: Midterms. While I am definitely not in a position to give advice, I can tell you what I am doing to deal with this unnatural disaster.
1.    Get Organized
A few days ago I decided to write down the midterms I have across all of my classes in one location. The last thing anyone wants is to realize that their compsci and calc midterms are merely hours apart when they only have a day or two to study.
2.    Test Yourself
I find knowing what to expect from a coming assignment much more comforting than going in blind, so I always look for practice exams on the class page. It’s not only a nice way to start studying, but also a good way to check your progress as a test approaches.
3.    Relax
Around this time of the semester, it can be very easy to become increasingly stressed and not take the time to enjoy small aspects of your day. This is why I alwaystry to find at least one night of the week to do something that makes me happy. Whether that is going out with friends or ordering in for a movie marathon, make sure that you don’t let the stress that college will inevitably bring prevent you from enjoying what makes it so amazing.