There truly just aren’t enough hours in a day. Between classes, work-study jobs, clubs, and socializing with friends, it’s hard for students these days to fit everything in. I know that I have a bad habit of packing my schedule with an overwhelming amount of activities. An easy solution would be to drop a few commitments to have more free time, but it’s hard to give up activities when you simply want to do it all. That’s where multitasking comes in: when your schedule is full, you just have to learn to make the most of your time. While some types of multitasking can be counterproductive and downright dangerous (I’m definitely not advocating texting and driving), learning how to multitask properly can really benefit your life. Here are some multitasking strategies to help you accomplish your daily to-do list.
Utilize your time on the bus
After a long day of classes, it’s easy to daze out on the bus ride back to your dorm. However, I’ve found that this is a good time to respond to texts from your parents or friends from back home. Whether it’s a text or a quick phone call, touching base with your loved ones will be a nice break from your academic mindset and will save you time in the long run. Instead of having to catch up with your friends after getting back to your dorm, you can use the spare time to take a nap or work on homework.
The same goes for those long minutes spent waiting for the bus; you can easily use that boring time to check your email or inform your parents that, yes, you’re still alive—just extremely busy.
Make the most of your time in the gym
It’s undeniable that working out can be boring. I often find myself counting down the minutes until I can stop running on the treadmill or using the elliptical. Music helps pass the time, but it never completely engages my attention. However, I’ve discovered that bringing something to read or study while exercising makes me forget how long I’ve been working out. It’s a great way to accomplish two tasks at once. Instead of stressing out over how much homework I have while at the gym, I can use the time there to get some studying out of the way. Often, I get so focused on what I’m reading that I don’t even notice how much time has gone by. If you try this though, just be careful not to fall while concentrating too hard. A trip to the emergency room would definitely not save you any time.
Utilize breaks in between classes
It’s always hard to motivate yourself to work on any kind of homework after sitting through an hour and fifteen-minute lecture. However, using the time in between classes to knock a couple things off your to-do list can be hugely beneficial later on. Instead of forcing yourself to accomplish tasks involving major attention and focus like writing a paper, work on relatively more simple assignments like reading or copying notes. It may seem useless to start on a task when you only have a few minutes, but if you work on something gradually throughout the day, you’ll have more free time later on for fun activities, like going to eat with friends in downtown Durham.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed with everything going on in college. However, multitasking can help you manage your crazy life without actually going crazy. Try these strategies to make the most of your time.