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Procrastination Quiz: What Nintendo Character Are You?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

So it’s that time of year again. The beauty that was LDOCalypse is now a hazy, happy memory and it’s time to so(m)ber up, cram those noggins full of the juicy tidbits needed to get you that A, and power through this week of finals. But for those of you who need your three minutes of procrastination every half hour until that monster of a test is upon you, I’ve made this fluffy quiz to help whittle away the time. May you ride your cloud like the Lakitu you are during your pro for procrastination moments such as this.
1) Your favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon off would be:

a. Hanging out with the girls—either shopping or getting spruced up in my princess gown so that I can look the part if need be. You never know when you’ll have to look fabulous for a spontaneous occasion, such as being kidnapped by a turtle or riding a dinosaur.

b. Practicing my combat moves. Who says girls can’t learn how to defend themselves? Being able to fight when the occasion arises is something I value, and looking bad-ass when doing a frontal crescent heel kick is just icing on the cake.

c. Leading some kind of passionate, ill-fated protest. There’s nothing like surrounding myself with a couple of minions—I mean acquaintances—that I just happen to control. You’re only losing if they don’t see you fuming in the periphery.

d. Saving the world in some way or another of course. That is, if I’m not at home fixing something. Who needs to hire a fix-it man nowadays when you have all the skills at your disposal (no pun intended.)
e. Searching for treasure. And by ‘searching’ I mean shaking the jewels, coins, and garlic straight out of all who happen to cross my path. Ain’t nobody safe from my strong arms!
2) The way you react when the world is in peril is:

a. The most I can usually do is send a message through a lovesick master computer or with a frightened toad. I’m usually the first to be kidnapped when power struggles start to occur, and these bad guys have me on a major lockdown! Must be my good looks…

b. Depending on the situation, I like to take as active a role as possible. I’m highly trained in swordsmanship and as a battle mage, though sometimes I end up kidnapped. My versatility, strength, and birthright make me a prime target in the legendary quests that usually seize my world.

c. Me react? Don’t make me laugh. I’d be the one causing the mayhem. If people can’t recognize my awesomeness, then they shall hear my rooooaaaar!

d. There is no question that I will end up saving the world. This usually requires that I journey to many sub-worlds, learn a variety of different skills, and meet many friends before I can battle my mortal enemy. If anyone ever asks for help, I am there to say yes.

e. It depends which side pays better.
3) Your favorite method of travel is:

a. I’m so fabulous that people always seem to be giving me rides. Most of the time unwillingly, but hey, who’s complaining about a free ride in a galaxy-traversing rocketship? [Note: I also have the cutest pink parasol, which I’m sure would be helpful if I needed to float anywhere.]

b. I prefer to travel by horse or on foot, though I have occasionally sailed by pirateship, giant bird, or train.

c. Sometimes I hitch a ride from the nincompoops—I mean friends— whom I employ like Kammy Koopa, but those flying broomsticks are much too uncomfortable and they leave splinters in places you don’t want splinters.

d. Well, when I get too tired to walk, riding dinosaurs helps me travel at a greater speed. And their tongues can grab enemies from much farther away.

e. My body is remarkably aerodynamic, and with the help of some tree swings, stumps, and arrow projectors, I can plow my way through any course.
4.) Your diet consists of:

a. I suppose mostly tea and crumpets now that you mention it.

b. I eat a wholesome diet of steamed fish that I catch with my own rod and whatever fare I can find in my travels around forests and from the merchants in Hyrule.

c. I feed off the energy of those sniveling idiots who serve me and the cold taste of fear in my enemies. No other being can hope to match the power contained in this spiny shell!

d. Mushrooms, fire flowers, and the occasional feather for a power boost.

e. Garlic! Nom, nom, nom.

Mostly A’s: Peach. You are the cute and perky damsel Mario loves to save in each new adventure saga. Without you as a driving force for our hero, there would probably be no game. And let’s face it—both the evilest villain and most noble hero of the game are in love with you. Boys are crazy over you. If they’re lucky, you can sometimes offer help, but they have to work for your approval.

Mostly B’s: Zelda. You play an integral role in the adventures of your own life, and no one catches you sitting by the sidelines in the narrative of the search for the Triforce. You are skilled in magic, swordsmanship, navigation, and other essential skills for survival. Way to go girl power!

Mostly C’s:
 Bowser. You are the force to be reckoned with, and anyone who tries to impinge on your awesomeness or dare to interfere with the lavish, romance-filled life you have set out before you is going to get a taste of your power, whether they like it or not. And as soon as you engage in a duel, only a severe taste of your spikes will satisfy your lust for battle!

Mostly D’s: Mario. You are of course the most famous hero of all time. Everywhere you travel, natives have heard talk of your adventures and kind heart. You are the first person to help the poor, abused, and scared, and when you’re not enjoying the simpler points of life (chilling at home with your brother) you are engaged in a history-qualifying story of epic proportions.

Mostly E’s: Wario. You know what you want and you shamelessly pursue it. You have a vast hoard of treasure, and nothing pleases you more than punching the lights out of anyone who
gets in the way of you and those diamonds.

Photo Credits:
http://www.dan-dare.org/FreeFun/SonicMarioExtra/SuperSmashBrosWallpaper800.jpg (all characters)
http://images.wikia.com/zelda/images/a/a3/Princess_Zelda_(Spirit_Tracks).png (Zelda)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cf/Wario-mario_party_8.png (Wario)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/78/PeachNSMBW.jpg/200px-PeachNSMBW.jpg (Peach)
http://images.wikia.com/marioluigi/images/6/62/Bowser.jpg (Bowser)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/99/MarioSMBW.png (Mario)

I've been a Her Campus contributor for three semesters now, and I love being able to express myself in this way. I am a junior at Duke University. I do yoga, am writing a fantasy novel, love video games, feel passionate about getting collegiettes to find body/mind/self confidence, and am trying (*) to eat gluten-free like my amazing boyfriend. *one of the best things you can do for your health
Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.