1) You talk to your roomie…
a) If she happens to be in the room when you are, or the rare occasion when you left your Duke ID in the room and desperately need to be swiped in before you pee your pants.
b) Pretty regularly, you ask each other how your days went and wish each other good luck on exams that you know they’ve been cramming all night on. You may even HUMP (hit up Market Place- an important clarification here) every now and then when all other options fall through.
c) The last time you exchanged words was when she asked you where you were from back in August…what’s her last name again?
d) When you wake up in the morning, roll over and crackup over all of the shenanigans you got into last night. You shoot her a text when you see your crush on the way to class, when you see her crush on the way to class, when you discover a new crush on the way to class. When you’re hungry, when you’re tired, when you’re sitting in the middle of lecture and need to be entertained with baby animal memes, when you have cramps, when you have an itch on your leg, when a ladybug lands on you and you NEED to tell someone who will appreciate it, basically if you are conscious and breathing, she will know.
2) Your roomie knows…
a) How many 8:30’s you have this semester…but only because she has to burrow under her pillows to block out you Tswift alarm 3 more times a week than desirable.
b) All the basics- your middle name, birthday, how many siblings you have, what you did over winter break.
c) Nothing. Sometimes she even catches herself telling people she lives in a single….which the cubicle in Perkins basically is.
d) Your entire friend group from home and why Maddie got kicked out in 8th grade when she kissed Grace’s boyfriend of 3 weeks after the winter wonderland dance. The play by play of your first heartbreak. The fact that 9/10 times you will resort to OPI’s Lincoln Park After Dark when painting your toenails. And that if she even thinks about bringing tuna fish into the room there will be serious hell to pay.
3) Your living styles…
a) Are complete opposites. She needs total silence in the room when she studies; you need the sweet serenade of Coldplay if you’re ever going to get anything done. She’s up working until 4am and you are comfortably cuddling up with an episode of Gossip Girl by midnight.
b) Work well together; she’s an early riser and is gone before your alarm, you like to study with friends at night and by the time you get home she’s fast asleep. Your opposites attract.
c) If what she does is considered a living style…it’s not one you’ve ever heard of. She sleeps from 10am – 5pm, eats breakfast at 6, and when she heads out to go God knows where by 8, you simply shrug your shoulders and get back to Facebook stalking that kid in your writing class.
d) Are one. You discuss your schedule for the day as you shower side by side- today it’s her turn to take the handicap. You adjust meal times around each other’s late running labs or early released lecture. Your evenings are spent curled up together watching this week’s episode of “The Bachelor,” and you end your nights with toothpaste foam-slurred conversations in the bathroom mirror.
4) Your décor styles…
a) Don’t exactly complement one another. For every touch of color you have, she has a respective black or grey decal to cancel it out. You may not agree, but hey at least you have the cuter side.
b) Turned out surprisingly well together. Her pastels help to tone down your brights a bit and your tapestry picks up all of the colors in her concert and artist posters.
c) Definitely don’t clash, that’s for sure. After all, her blank white walls and solid colored comforter basically left you with creative freedom.
d) Were a match made in heaven. Of course you had the added benefit of having all summer to color coordinate your lights, carpet, blankets, canvases and everything in between. Congrats, your dorm room is straight out of L.L. Bean.
5) Your social lives…
a) Don’t often mingle. One of you is the new Miss. Frat Star, black X’s are basically tattooed to her hands, while the other prefers girls-nights-in and binge watching Greys Anatomy with a few close friends and an order of Heavenly’s.
b) Cross paths from time to time. When you see her at a party you make sure to take a second for a quick roomie pic, but after that you’re on your own ways.
c) If you had a gun to your head and someone was demanding to know where she was on a Friday night…you’d be dead by now.
d) Would be nothing without each other. If she wants to stay in? The facemasks come out. If you need to celebrate on a Monday night after that big test, you two are finding a way to start out your week with a bang. You are wing-women, partners in crime, and don’t forget hair-holder-backers.
If you answered…
Mostly A’s: Chances are…you went random, but hey thing’s could’ve turned out worse! You may be different but kudos to you for mastering the skill of living in harmony with someone who did not come from the same womb as you.
Mostly B’s: You’re comfortably nestled between acquaintances and best friends; she’s not your go-to wing woman at Shoots, but you can comfortably ugly cry in front of her after you get your econ test back.
Mostly C’s: You win some you lose some. Sounds like ya might have lost this one, my friend. You’re not going to be friends with everyone you meet, you may not even get along with everyone you meet, that’s life, but on the bright side you basically got away with having a dingle for the year!
Mostly D’s: You could either be BFF’s or sisters separated at birth. You live in roomie heaven, and you better thank god for it every day. You are among the lucky ones, so enjoy every moment together while you can, though I’m sure you’ve already planned your living situations for the remainder of college and beyond when you’ll raise your families in neighboring houses with white picket fences and beautiful male model husbands!