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Why You Should Be Doing More Group Fitness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

We’re all familiar with the dreadful process that is barely dragging ourselves to the gym only to find out that we lack motivation and can’t even figure out what workout to do or how to use half the machines.

Why does this occur so often amongst the female race? The answer we may never know, but the solution is group fitness.

Group exercise is typically described as exercise performed by a group of individuals led by an instructor. Chances are, you’ve probably participated in a group fitness before. The group exercise formats include:

-aerobics and dance choreographed to music

-core conditioning



-indoor cycling



-fall prevention and boot camp

So what do all of these classes have in common? Well to name a few perks: different instructor styles, catchy music selection, interaction with other females (or males <3), workout without having to think or plan, exposure to a social and fun environment, a safe and effectively designed workout, etc.

The common structure of group exercise is:

-warm-up: properly raise your heart rate, loosen joints and muscles

-balanced workout: more strenuous activity, each segment is guided by an instructor

-cool-down: safely lower your heart rate, stretch major muscles worked out during class

It is imperative that the instructors demonstrate proper form and ensure the correct execution of each movement. That way, your muscles will reap the most out of every exercise and essentially help eliminate potential injuries.

A common thought deterrent is being worried about embarrassing yourself in front of perfectly sculpted gym-goers. However, group exercise offers a workout for all levels, ranging from beginner to advanced! The classes are designed to make you accomplish certain tasks, reach certain levels, and even push harder during workouts!

As you can see, the short term and long term benefits of group fitness are remarkable! Not only will you feel great right after the class (because no one ever feels bad after a workout), but you will also be more likely to engage in other healthy behaviors outside of the class! So what are you waiting for?

Freshman at Duke University! Born and raised in Miami, Florida, I love coffee, working out, tennis/ any water-sports, and trying new and exciting things!