It’s nearly the end of Michaelmas term and you’ve gone and blown your student loan on jagerbombs and endless Paddy’s – but your student home is severely lacking in Christmas cheer. Never fear, Her Campus Durham has the definitive guide to jazzing up the place without sending you (even further) into your overdraft!
Shop local
It’s tempting to get straight online or head to Tesco for your decorations of choice, but you can get some great deals around by going to independent sellers – plus you’re supporting local markets! The Durham indoor Market Hall, open 9 – 4:30 Mondays to Saturdays, is a great place to pick up a bargain. They’re feeling very festive currently, with prices much lower than in a chain supermarket (especially if you try your hand at haggling). I got a miniature Christmas tree for £3 at the outdoor market (on every Saturday) which for very little makes the place feel a lot merrier!
Get creative
No baubles for your tree? Make them. No star for on top? Print off a star and tape it to a branch (odd looking yes, but cheap and cheerful). Get onto Pinterest and make some beautiful DIY decorations or complete Pinterest fails – either way it’s a fun way to procrastinate a day away and the more mulled wine you have, the better they’ll look.
Hit up Poundland
Yes it’s not as good as Wilko (yes we’re sad about it too) but for tacky Christmas decorations it really can’t get much cheaper. Stock yourself up on fairy lights and tinsel and just chuck it about to your heart’s content.
Embrace the tackiness
Let’s be honest, when your carpet is a questionable brown to ‘disguise’ the stains and there’s a traffic cone in the corner, your student house decorations just aren’t going to be the elegant wonderland you’d dream of. Let those ambitions go, get on Amazon and stock up on all the worst – and cheapest – decorations you can find. Can’t afford a real tree? You can buy a plastic background tree online and it’ll cost you just £2 (and your housemates’ respect).
And finally, if in doubt, cover it in tinsel!
Like seriously just chuck it anywhere…
Literally don’t hold back…