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Trending at Eckerd: The Back Braid

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Trending at Eckerd: The Back Braid


You might have seen this cute hairstyle being worn by girls all over campus. The back braid is the popular hairstyle many girls on campus have been sporting in the past few weeks. This hairstyle is quick and easy to do and is great for days when you really don’t want to muddle with your hair. To do this hairstyle, separate your hair into three sections so that you have a middle section of hair, a left section of hair, and a right section of hair. Begin crossing one section over the other and making sure to include the middle while crossing. Braid the sections all the way down and then tie an elastic band at the end to keep the sections from coming apart. That’s it! Now you can walk around campus in Eckerd’s latest hairstyle trend! 

Extra styling tip: These back braids transforms boring hair into luscious waves, also known as no heat waves. While your hair is wet, braid it and when your hair dries, unbraid your hair and you will have beautiful waves!