1. OMG I want that yellow dress but it would probably look like crap on me
2. Wow. I wanna demolish a car now
3. Her bat is named hot sauce! Oh My GAWD. It all makes sense when she says, “I got hot sauce in my bag”
4. Hol up hol up hol up….rewind…say what Beyonce?
5. Oh…..Jay-Z cheated….wow….on Beyonce? How could he do that to her.
6. If Beyonce can get cheated on then there is no hope for the rest of us
7. I want corn rows now
8. I think I am cold or maybe I’m just getting chills from the greatness that is Beyonce
9. Can I get that fur vest?
10. Wow that bathtub scene makes me think of Game of Thrones
11. Bruh..she said, what are you gonna say at my funeral now that you killed me
12. OMG “here lies the mother of my children both living and dead”…wow that deep Bey
13. ASHES TO ASHES DUSH TO SIDECHICKS OMG…that’s a perfect Instagram caption
14. Serena freaking Williams and Beyonce all in one video. I can not even.
15. Wow is this Lemonade or New Orleans?
17. Wow….that whole Solange thing makes sense now too
18. I wish I could dance like that.
19. This is just so great. I am so happy.
20. I feel like I know Beyonce now…this is so deep and personal
21. I don’t know what to feel right now…like am I happy? Or sad? What are emotions right now
22. I am going to see Beyonce in concert next week and I am going to cry