We’ve all been there: the diets, the workouts, the detox, the dreaded bathing suit shopping spree break down. If you pull any random girl off the street, I bet they’d tell you that at some point in their life they have felt self conscious about the way their body looks. For as long as I can remember, girls have been subjected to size 0 models, diet trends, and the “perfect” image, and it’s about time that stops.
To the girl who stares at her stomach in the mirror one too many times a day…
There is no wrong way to have a body. As a matter a fact, there is nothing wrong with your size, your curves, your scars, your flaws, your stretch marks or you. It’s not your job to look like someone who just walked out of a photo shoot. In fact, it’s not your job to look like anybody else but yourself at all; you’re great enough already.
To the girl who wishes she could look like someone else…
Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you. Nobody else could be you even if they tried. You are unique and beautiful. Nobody else is you.
To the girl who wants to be a size 0…
At this point the odds are that you will never be a size zero, and guess what? That’s okay. If you are a size zero, that’s great for you, but you don’t need to be a size zero to be considered beautiful. For God sake, Beyoncé is a size 8 and she slays the world.
To the girl whose uneaten meals are wrapped up inside of a napkin…
Do not conform, or hurt yourself, or do anything drastic all because you don’t believe in your beauty. Your body is not a battleground, and a number that pops up on a scale doesn’t measure your value. Things will get better.
To the girl who hates her body…
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Unfortunately, our generation will never escape the wrath of “stereotypical” body types, but we can start being kinder to ourselves, caring for ourselves, and accepting ourselves. Love yourself with a body made to serve you, because you my friend, are beautiful.