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New Blogger Spotlight: Meet Jenna Price

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Name: Jenna Price

Year: Freshman

Major: Double Major in English and Communications

Greek Affiliation: Gamma Sigma Sigma

Favorite Book: I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson 

Her Campus Position: Writer

HC: What made you want to become involved in Her Campus ECU?

Jenna: I had been looking for an opportunity to get some experience writing. I had been following the website, and when I saw that the ECU page was looking for writers I couldn’t pass up the opportunity!

HC: What do you enjoy about it so far?

Jenna: I really love that I can share my voice with the world. This has really been a great opportunity for me to be able to throw in my two cents!

HC: What inspires you to write?

Jenna: There are so many things! My mom (cliche I know) has always been a big inspiration for me! I also really love reading, and naturally the next step, at least for me, was to start writing!

HC: What do you hope to get out of writing for Her Campus ECU?

Jenna: I’ve already gotten so much already! It’s such a great way to get experience writing, ten out of ten would recommend!


Born and raised in Fayetteville, NC, but Ocean Isle Beach is closer to my heart. I'm an East Carolina University sophomore and a passionate English and Creative writing major.