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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elizabethtown chapter.


Public speaking is one of the most feared things in America. Every person has things that scare them or that they would rather do almost anything but that ONE thing. Public speaking does not have to be your favorite thing in the world, but here are some tips and tricks to help eliminate some of your public speaking anxieties.

1. Know the topic

The best way to prepare yourself is by knowing your topic. Always make sure you get your facts straight before giving a presentation. The better you understand your topic, the easier it will be to give a speech on it.

2. Research

This isn’t a new concept to us college girls, and it won’t be when it comes to public speaking either! If you are giving a master level presentation, talking about a new idea for your company, or giving a casual presentation about the effects of global warming, you must RESEARCH. Spend time on the internet, check out books on the subject and if possible, contact sources who are knowledgeable on the topic. All of this will help you feel more prepared and better informed for your speech.

3. Know the Expectations

Although you may not be given a rubric detailing all the information you should include, it is important to understand what is expected of you. Is this a professional atmosphere? How should you be dressed? Who is your audience? How long should you presentation be? These are factors that you must thoroughly consider when developing your speech.

4. Map Out what you Want to Say

Even if you want to do an improvisation performance, it is still a wise idea to map out what you want to cover in your speech. Make a list of the essentials, the who, what, why, when and how. Think about how you want to open and close your presentation. Note other important aspects of your topic in your initial map out.

5. Write your Speech

Writing your speech down will help you remember what you want to say, and it will also encourage you to include or cut items out of your presentation. By doing this step, you will be more comfortable with your speech since you spent the time to properly write it out. Once you do so, you can begin practicing. If you have a time restraint, you can make sure that you are staying within your time limit.

6. Practice

This is my most important and most obvious advice to you. The more you practice, the better you will know what you want to say, when you want to include dramatic pauses and what points you want to emphasize. You can take the time to memorize your speech word for word, or you can improvise each time. Keep in mind that each person is unique and will have a different way of crafting and delivering a speech. The more time you allot yourself to practice, you will be able to decide what method is best for you.

Public speaking can be scary, but you can overcome your fears of presenting in front of a crowd. The more you speak publicly, the easier it will get. Not to mention the preparation process will become more natural to you. I hope your presentations in the future go well. You’ve got this! XXX. Brianna

Kristen Wade

Elizabethtown '19

Kristen Wade is a senior Communications major with a concentration in PR and a minor in Graphic Design at Elizabethtown College. Kristen loves hiking, shopping, and baking. After graduation, Kristen hopes to work in digital marketing.