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5 Products To Start Your Morning on a Positive Note

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Getting yourself into a consistent morning routine can be difficult. The motivation to get yourself out of bed is hard enough, but when you look forward to the little things that occur once you’re on your feet, they can help to start your day on a positive note. 

Once I began my day by completing certain tasks that were beneficial to my mind, body, and overall well-being, I noticed that it carried throughout my day. Over time these products were implemented into my morning routine without me even knowing. It soon became habitual.  

Below are 5 of the top products that I recommend implementing into your morning routine to mindfully start your day on a positive note:


1. Face Roller

One of my favorite things I look forward to in the morning is using my gua sha and jade roller. After I wash my face and put oil or lotion on, I massage my face with these tools to get the blood in my face flowing to help with my blood circulation and to minimize the puffiness in my face that appeared overnight. This tool is great if you happen to clench your jaw at night because it stretches out the muscles in your face and relaxes them. 

2. Water bottle

Overnight, our bodies do not intake water during our 8 hours of sleep, leaving us dehydrated in the morning. It’s important to rehydrate your body immediately after waking up so your body can receive the hydration it was missing while you slept. Having a water bottle that is easily accessible next to your bedside will help you to hydrate instantly when you wake up. Give your body the liquids it needs to start the day!

3. Journal

Reflecting on the positives in your life early in the morning helps to change your mindset for the entire day. I use the One Question a Day journal every morning to get my mind jumpstarted. The questions are not always deep or intellectual, but answering a question about myself at the current point of time I am in will help me to create a time capsule of my thoughts that I can look back on, while simultaneously getting my mind thinking early in the day. 

4. Body Lotion and SPF

Before beginning the day it is good to hydrate our skin since we are not intaking water throughout the night. Having a refreshing body lotion or body butter to put on in the morning can help to awaken your senses and leave you feeling nourished. Also applying sunscreen or a lotion with SPF of at least 30 to your face every morning will help to protect your skin from the sun’s rays throughout the day.

5. Planner

The last step of my morning routine is looking ahead at my day. I use a daily planner in order to list the most important tasks that need to be completed throughout the day and to also keep track of the events that I have planned for the day. This helps me to picture my day before it has begun and ensured that I am able to balance everything on my schedule.

Sera Borg

Elon '22

Communication design and strategic communication student at Elon University.