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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Meet Madison Iskra – 5’2″ bottle of blonde energy she’s always bopping around campus full of spirit. 


How old are you?


What year are you?



Public Health with a focus on Biological Aspects

What’s your role at Elonthon?

I’m the Director of Entertainment!

Why did you first join Elonthon?

I heard of Dance Marathon before coming to Elon and thought they were really cool! I also remember hearing about Elonthon on my tour, and I know people who have been treated in Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. I also really loved how Elonthon is an organization that gives back.

Why should everyone join Elonthon?

Everyone should join Elonthon because it’s for such a good cause! Elonthon is such a fun organization and everyone involved is so passionate about it.

What’s your favorite part about Elonthon?

My favorite part about Elonthon is how we’re an organization that reaches every part of campus. So many different groups are involved, from Greek Organizations to YoungLife to Fellows. Everyone involved in Elonthon, from Exec to Staff to Dancers, brings so much enthusiasm.

What’s the most rewarding part about being on the executive staff this far?

I get to work and collaborate with the BEST group of people! Exec has become really close, and I know I have a group of people to always count on. I’m also so excited to have a bigger role in Elonthon and plan all the fun activities for in the event.

What are you most excited about for this year’s Elonthon?

We have some really cool things coming up in the fall semester. Elonthon is an organization that is constantly trying to be bigger and better every year. I’m also very excited to interact with the Miracle Kids and Families more, and of course for the final reveal of how much money we raised!

What’s the hardest part about your position?

I want to make Elonthon the best it can be for the Elon community, so it’s a lot of time consuming, hard work. It will definitely be worth it in the end though.  

What do you do when you aren’t ‘thoning?

When I’m not ‘thoning, I’m probably studying for chemistry or hanging out with my friends!



Amanda is a freshmen at Elon studying Journalism and Spanish. She calls Atlanta, Ga home. When not writing for HerCampus Amanda loves to travel, cook, and explore new food places around town.