Name: Robbie Seebold
Age: 20
Birthdate: November 18, 1994
Major: Finance and Marketing
Hometown: Danville, PA
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Involvement: Varsity Golf, Intramural Basketball
Favorite Pickup Line: If you were a parking ticket you would have fine written all over it
What is your biggest turn off: Girls who are high-maintenance
What is your favorite thing about Elon: my friends
What is your ideal date: A nice seafood buffet
Embarrassing secret: I can’t straighten either of my pinky fingers
Celeb crush: Megan Fox
What is something girls do that is your pet peeve? When they are not nice to their parents
Go-to dance move: Stanky leg, doesn’t matter what the song is
What is your claim to fame? The big Christmas tree in New York City came from right near my house where I live
What is the craziest outfit you’ve ever worn? As a freshman, I had to dress up as a cheerleader
What is the craziest outfit you’ve seen a girl wear? I saw a girl wear a trash bag once
What is a hidden talent or skill you possess? I’ve never lost a game of cornholeÂ