Image: Kristen in the Catacombs of Paris. Photo credit: Molly Kaplan, ‘13, Studio TV Production
The lack of reliable Internet connection at the Castle is so much of a struggle that we barely have enough patience to update our Twitters. This dilemma has caused us to bring hashtags into everyday conversation, the most popular being #CastleGirlProblems. The market only selling sparkling water, having to chug the wine your RA served you because the lounge (inside the Castle) is closing, the worry of falling out of a tower and into a moat—all #CastleGirlProblems. In actuality, life in a castle is as lovely as we expected it to be, but on the other side of the moat, #EuropeanMistakes are bound to happen.
After an hour-long cab ride to an airport in Germany at 4 a.m., I was ready to launch the best weekend of my life. The problem? My non-refundable ticket to Paris had been booked for the day before. I had to either pay 100 euros for a cab ride back to the Castle, or drop 210 euros, almost $300, on a new plane ticket. My friends and I initially booked our tickets during winter break, communicating with each other online, which is not the most reliable way to go. When websites are written in a foreign language and reuse the same flight numbers every day, one error can leave you at the airport trying to remain calm as you release a few tears along with the entire contents of your wallet. Of course Paris was still amazing, but in all honesty, I wish I had just taken a bus.
Here are ten more European mistakes I’ve learned to avoid. Thankfully, not all of them are my own experiences.
1. Beware of curfews. My hotel in Paris wouldn’t let my guy friends hang out in our room after midnight.
2. Cab drivers can take advantage of Americans who don’t speak the language. Instead, use the European subway systems, which put the T to shame, or buses.
3. The trains use the honor system. Some people get by without paying, but I would never risk it. If you get caught without a ticket, you’ll be fined hundreds of dollars.
4. RyanAir flights are cheap, but if you don’t check in online early enough, you’ll be charged 30 euros for each flight at the airport. If your purse doesn’t fit into your carry-on, expect to pay even more.
5. You have to pay to use most public restrooms. Make sure you always have change so you don’t end up peeing in the streets of Florence while wearing your favorite dress.
6. Don’t wear heels, especially when climbing the Eiffel Tower.
7. Walking an extra five minutes to find hole-in-the-wall restaurants is always worth it. They are cheaper and more authentic.
8. Check your receipts before tipping. A service charge is usually included in your bill.
9. Don’t go home with locals while on your travels unless you want to get killed or have an orgy. Don’t worry—no one died.
10. “Sorry, I’m a lesbian” apparently means “Please begin sucking my face immediately” in Italian. Let’s be honest, that’s a European mistake of my own.
Since I started off with such a big one, I’m hoping I’ve gotten my fill of #EuropeanMistakes. Now, if only I could find a restaurant that’s open after 6 p.m. Don’t they know I’m starving after a long day at the thermal spa? #CastleGirlProblems