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5 Classic Horror Movies that are actually good (& scary)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

If you’re anything like me, then you love horror movies. You saw all the classic films such as Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and even some of the newer classics like Get Out. I hold horror movies close to my heart because it reminds me of my childhood and the moments I spent with my family. I remember staying up past my bedtime with my dad, watching horror movies and flying paper airplanes out of our second floor window. I put together a collection of horror movies from my childhood that stuck with me the most.

Invasion of the Body Snatcher (1956)

My parents were born in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, so several of these movies are from that time period. I know horror movies from this time wouldn’t be considered scary now, but the movie was so bothersome to me. Imagine you’re having an amazing day with your sister and all of a sudden they’re abducted and replaced with a lookalike. You probably wouldn’t notice, but This lookalike is completely emotionless and is unlike your sister. Wouldn’t that be terrifying and freaky? Well, that’s what happened in this film and it creeped me out so much as a child, but it’s worth the watch.

Psycho (1960)

I’m brave enough to admit that this movie still haunts me to this day. For example, I can’t close my eyes for too long in the shower or I will feel extremely uncomfortable and scared. If you haven’t heard of this movie, it’s about a woman named Marion Crane who is on the run and stays at the Bates Motel to stay low. And there she meets Norman Bates and that takes a sinister turn. You have to watch the film to figure out what happens after

The Birds (1963)

This is another horror movie that I remember vividly. I remember watching it as a child with my dad and it was so crazy and thrilling to me because who would’ve known that birds could be so terrifying to an eight-year-old me. When a woman named Melanie goes out to buy birds that the man she met is looking for, she is met with a horrifying consequence. It’s worth the watch and it is one of my comfort movies.

The Omen (1976)

My siblings always say I was the perfect replica of the main character in this movie. The Omen starts when a politician steals a baby after his child dies at birth and raises them as his own. The child, Damien, is later discovered to be the son of Lucifer. I love this movie so much and I used to watch it all the time with my parents.

I will say, since these movies were made more than twenty years ago, you probably won’t think they’re as scary as people did in that time period. But one thing I know for sure is that these movies will stick with you and have you thinking about them from time to time, and I think that’s scary enough.

Hi, my name is Aricka and I'm a sophomore at Emerson College. I write articles ranging from horror and mystery to astrology and crystals. I hope you enjoy my content!