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5 Instagram Accounts You Should Follow NOW

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

It is honestly was so hard to narrow my favorite Instagram accounts down to just 5. I tried to include a variety of different accounts to appeal to different people, but I also realize that 2 of the 5 accounts mentioned involve illustrations of celebrities on food (what can I say, it’s a crowd pleaser!) I hope that you can find some new and interesting content to follow from this article and I would love to share some more of my favorites in the future!

1. @TasteOfStreep

Do you love food? Do you love Meryl Streep? If you are a human being, odds are you answered yes to both of those questions. This account beautifully marries the two best things in life to consistently create magical works of art. If you take one thing away from this whole article, please let it be to follow this account.

2. @OfficialSeanPenn

If you have ever referred to yourself as a “meme queen,” then I would HOPE you are familiar with this account. I have actually lol’d multiple times from this account which is very hard to do.

3. @EveryOutfitOnSATC

This is undoubtedly my favorite account of all time. If you are a fan of with Sex and the City (which you should be) then you will love this account and it’s hilarious captions.

4. @CelebsOnSandwiches

More celebrities! More food! What’s not to love?

5. @IfYouHigh

This account is really fun to look at when your bored in a waiting room or something and wanna watch stuff that somehow makes you feel more smart but you don’t know why.


Emerson contributor