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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Emerson has always been a chapter that likes to take risks, so emailing the chapter network to spotlight different Her Campus Chapters at other schools was no different. One of the schools that we decided to introduce to you is the chapter at DESU, located in Dover Delaware. Delaware State University is the only HBCU in the state, and the chapter here is one of only two chapters in the state of Delaware. The chapter was founded in 2016, and is currently made up of about sixteen members! The chapter is extremely diverse, with women coming from a variety of different backgrounds, interests, and majors. The chapter loves sharing their passions through writing and they are always looking to expand and have fun! Running the chapter are co-campus correspondents Zaire Davis and Samantha Carter, who are both mass communications majors. Samantha is also the chapter’s Writing Manager. Candice Lambert, a Kinesiology major, is the chapter Treasurer. Running the chapter’s social media is Amirah Johnson (Social Media Manager) a mass communication major, and LaVice Cooper (Assistant to Social Media Manager), also a mass communication major. Finally, running and planning events for the chapter is mass communication major Caleisha Braxton who is the Marketing and Events Manager.In looking at the content that the chapter has worked on, they wanted to highlight a profile that they felt really stood out. That profile was Samantha Carter’s “Profile: Lindsi Wynn ‘WDSU Radio Stations Makeup Guru’.” The chapter also wanted to highlight three features that they felt really embodied the work that their chapter is doing. The first of which is Caleisha Braxton’s “New Skin Care Alert! Testing the New Garnier Micellar Foaming Gel Cleanser.” Next they wanted to highlight “An Ongoing Battle: It Does Get Better” by LaVice Cooper. Finally, the chapter wanted to recognize their article entitled “Quick and Easy Meals to Make In The Microwave” by Amirah Johnson. For more HC DESU content, check out their Her Campus Page! Moving over to the events that the chapter has run, they recently held a “Night of Fashion” where team members (and a plus one) were invited to a trivia night, complete with giveaways and snacks. It was the first event of the semester and they were able to gain three new members from it! They are really looking forward to the other events that they have coming up as well, such as their “Pajamas and Games” night. The chapter also holds two writing workshops a month.  

Thinking back over their time with the chapter, the CCs explained that one of their favorite memories was the first event that the chapter ever held. The event was called “Letters To Myself,” and almost every single member of the chapter attended.

Looking ahead to the future of their chapter, HC DESU is really looking to plan even more events. They recognize that it is hard to plan events all the time since a lot of the members have commitments outside of their chapter, but they hope that they can increase their visibility on campus with the events that they are running. Additionally, the chapter is looking to expand their membership! If you are interested in writing for the DESU chapter, or joining their team in another way, you can always feel free to contact one of the CCs, or talk to the chapter’s faculty advisor (in the mass communications department). You can reach out to the chapter at hc.desu@hercampus.com and they will be happy to talk about the next steps for joining their chapter! If you are looking to join, the CCs want to make sure that you know that they “are one of the most diverse organizations within the mass communication department, due to having a full diverse background. The HBCU aspect of the school does not stop [them] from being diverse.”

Finally, we asked the chapter for three words that would describe them, to which the CCs responded: “Dependable—As a chapter we can lean and depend on each other with anything.  Our executive team will go out of their way to get something done, even if we have two projects and a research paper due. We will find a way to get it done, plus we are not afraid to ask for help; Sanguine—As a chapter we like to focus on a variety of topics and causes, but we also like to try to spread happiness and positivity. Topics that are more sad or serious, we try to make it positive but still keep the seriousness. In other words, we are a happy bunch of ladies trying to make a better environment and community; and Understanding—As a chapter we try to execute our goals, but when we get overwhelmed we understand each other and try to help every member. Along with reschedule, but always getting what needs to be done, completed one way or another.”

Not looking to join, but looking to stay updated? You can find the chapter on social media here: 

    Instagram- hercampus_desu

    Twitter- hcdesu

    Facebook- Her Campus DESU

Bonus Questions: 

TS: What Hogwarts house does your chapter most identify with? 

CCs: Hufflepuff 


TS: If your chapter could be described with one animal, what would that animal be and why? 

CCs: A panther, because we are quiet and chill.  But when we need to get something done we go after it with everything we have.


TS: Is your chapter team Edward or Team Jacob?  Or for daring, Team Kristen Stewart as a person?

CCs: Team Jacob


TS: Is your chapter more cat people or dog people?

CCs: Dog


TS: Does your chapter identify more with beaches or lakes?

CCs: Beaches


TS: What time of year (semester, trimester, quarter) has the best classes to add to your schedules?

CCs: Fall

*All photos provided by HC DESU*

Talia is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Emerson. Talia is also a Chapter Advisor, Region Leader, and HSA Advisor. She has previously worked as an intern for the national headquarters of Her Campus in the community management department. Talia is a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College in a 4+1 combined bachelor's and master's program in publishing. She is an aspiring writer and publisher. Talia is known for living life with her journal, a pen, and three lovely cats.