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Charles Gryor Flores DeRupé

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Charles Gryor Flores DeRupé is a Junior Marketing major with a major to-do list. He’s not only an honor student, but finds time to be the Marketing Manager for the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Student Assistant for the Dean of Students Office, an intern at Wiggio, and an entrepreneur! Not to mention being heavily involved with student organizations. Want to know how he finds time to eat and sleep? Then keep on reading! (He also has a twin brother with the same name….what a crazy life!)
Her Campus: So Charles, you are becoming quite a big name on campus! What kinds of things are you involved in right now?
Charles: I’m up to so many projects and organizations right now, it’s kind of crazy. I guess the  biggest project that I’m part of is Emerson’s Orientation Core Staff. I’ve been helping to plan Orientation Week in the fall for our incoming students. Apart from that, I’m also leading the planning and carrying out of Asian Heritage Month 2012 as the current President of Emerson’s Asian Students for Intercultural Awareness – really passionate about diversity and inclusion ideas right now. I’m also an Account Executive for EmComm, a singer for one of Emerson’s acappella groups, Acappellics Anonymous, and running a small graphic design business. That and work and classes – it’s all a big whirlwind. Can’t promise that I can keep track of all of it! Haha.
Her Campus: Wow! That’s really impressive. How do you manage to fit that all into your schedule? Any advice for us who have a hard time with our own busy schedules?
Charles: I think it’s really all about taking some time to think and plan. I usually spend a small amount of time figuring out how to multitask effectively, then write a to do list, and get things done one by one. Of course, things are always in the way, so it’s a process. I guess my number one advice is to find ways not to get overwhelmed – so if need be, I schedule in time to rest, catch up with Hulu, etc. And most of all just keep on smiling. It’s really easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated then become inefficient. A good attitude makes all the difference.
Her Campus: That is really good advice! So you mentioned planning for Asian Heritage Month, what is that all about?
Charles: Asian Heritage Month is celebrated in April at Emerson College, traditionally in May for the rest of the US. In a nutshell it’s a month that celebrates and explores various dimensions of the Asian identity. This year, we’re looking at what it means to be the Asian-American Youth, aka The New GenerAsian. We’ve got some awesome guests coming to perform and of course, lots of authentic delicious Asian food.
Her Campus: That sounds like so much fun! You also said you are a part of next year’s Orientation Core Staff, are there any exciting things set up for incoming students that you can divulge?
Charles: Well, as always, Core Staff is trying the best we can to make Orientation Week unforgettable. I think this year we’re definitely going to keep the staple pieces like The Dating Doctor and Hooray! but we’re also going to shake it up. Our staff is really innovative and we’re trying to find our way to make it a special Orientation not for us, but for the new students. As for those changes, you’re just gonna have to wait till August.
Her Campus: Lastly, any tips for incoming students who will be trying to adjust to the Emerson community?
Charles: Emerson is like this world within Boston where the misfits and the quirky kids find each other. But it doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is the same. I know this is going to sound kind of obvious, but take no time to be something that you’re not. The faster you embrace who you are, the faster you’ll attract people who are like you and will be comfortable with you. Second, don’t lose sight of what you love to do. Most Emersonians come here taking on so much that the amount of work fogs up their passion. And all the sudden, things start feeling like a process. Take time to remind yourself of how you see yourself in the future and appreciate every small achievement because every stressful all-nighter and last minute meeting is a stepping stone. Finally, eat well and sleep – because heaven knows you forget to do either when you’re at college.

Lorena Mora is a student at Emerson College currently pursuing a degree in visual & media arts. Other interests include social media, passion tea lemonade, blogging, baby animals, spending the day at IKEA, baking cupcakes, and traveling the East Coast. An avid blogger, lorena has written for such publications as Em magazine, Her campus.com, Cliche Magazine and on her own movie-review blog, The Aftertaste. Lorena currently serves as President and Editor In Chief of the Her Campus Emerson branch.