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Clever Ways to Sort Your Candy This Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

As a kid, I always went trick-or-treating with my friends. However, the main event was not going from house to house or dressing up. It was sitting in my friend’s basement, pouring out my pillowcase full of various treats, and sorting it amongst ourselves. In my years of *very valuable* candy sorting experience, I have picked up a trick or two for making sure everyone gets what they want. Here are some ways you can evenly distribute your sweet treats!

  1. The “Rainbow Three” Rule

Yes, this rule was made up by a group of six-year-olds. However, I have found it to be one of the most fun and exciting ways to sort the candy. Basically, you sort all the candy by the wrapper color, and then everyone gets at least three of one color. This is great because you can mix and match. I remember ending up with some Kit-Kats as well as a few 100 Grand. Either way, I was happy with my candy pile at the end of the night. 

  1. Betting

Although making bets can get annoying from time to time, it’s always more fun when there’s candy involved. Play a card game, or have a dance contest. First place gets to choose whichever chocolate bars or gummy bears they want, second place gets next choice, and third place is left with everyone’s least favorite: Werther’s Original Caramel Candies. 

  1. The “CHECK” Method

No, I’m not telling you to make your friends pay you for your candy. “CHECK” stands for “Crunch, Hershey’s, Extra, Caramel, and Kit-Kats.” Since these are the most popular brands/types of candy given on Halloween, it is important to make sure everyone has at least one of each. The “Extra” category is exactly what it sounds like—just every other brand that does not fit into the acronym can be first-come-first-serve. 

I also encourage you and your friends to make up your own sorting methods! Coming up with different tactics for dividing up candy is a fun bonding experience in itself. 

Happy Halloween!

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Albahary and I am a sophomore Visual Media Arts Major at Emerson College! This is my first year being a part of Her Campus, however, I was a proud member of my school's newspaper in High School. Some of my interests include: acting, writing, directing, and singing.