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How to Refresh Your Body Image

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do. It’s so easy to be body negative, to pull yourself apart at the very seam. Collegiettes, you need to stop this. Your body is the only thing in the whole universe that is entirely yours. It is made of you; all of your incredible strength and beautiful flaws that make you unique. You carry it with you through life as your prize for having lived, and you should love it for what is has been and for what it is now.  Sometimes, when surrounded by images of what beauty is supposed to look like, accepting your body is hard.

1. Try something new

Every day when you wake up and before you go to bed, look at yourself. Really look at yourself, become familiar with your reflection. Pick one thing you like about yourself. Anything at all, whether physical, mental or emotional. Now, pick another. Try to say as many positive things about yourself as you can. You may not believe it, but over time you’ll realize it’s the truth.


2. Realize that those images that surround you are not real

They are photoshopped, airbrushed or retouched. Occasionally, that model in the advertisement is actually four different models smashed together to create a certain look. There is no standard for attractiveness. Beauty is a combination of so much more than looks; it runs oceans deeper than your skin.


3. Accept what you cannot change

Yes, it is a cliché, but it’s one for a reason. All bodies are different, making them uniquely individual. No one else has exactly what you’re working with, and that’s pretty amazing. There are some things about your body that will never change, at least not naturally or healthily. That’s okay, you are too special to compare yourself to another body. Rather than focus on what you want fixed, focus on what parts of yourself you like. Change your attitude with a little perspective.

4. Remember that it’s going to take time—a lot of time

Changing something that has been ingrained into you by a body-obsessed culture won’t happen overnight, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. It won’t be easy every day, but know that in order to keep making positive steps.

You have to love yourself before you can fully accept love from another or fully give love to anyone else.

Courtney is a junior BFA Writing, Literature, and Publishing student with a minor in Marketing from Emerson College. She is very much a libra. One day she hopes to pursue a career in words, or surronded by words. 
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