There is no doubt that graduating college is one of the most daunting and exciting times in life. No one talks much about the anxiety of applying to jobs, saying goodbye to friends as you part ways, and figuring out where to go next. It’s easy to get caught up in everything negative that comes with graduating, but it’s important to remember all the great opportunities and skills you have to actually start a new life. If you’re feeling scared about the future as a postgraduate, read on below to relieve your anxieties.
Claim What You Want
From Shonda Rhimes:
“If I ask a guy writer on my show what he wants to be, he’ll say, ‘I want to run my own show or take over a network.’ Female writers answer, ‘Oh, I want to work for somebody great and really learn.’ I yell, ‘Don’t ever say out loud again that you’re going to dream small!’ So many women look for permission. Men don’t — they just do it. Decide the only person whose opinion matters is yours. Don’t be a sociopath about it, but stop worrying people are going to think you ‘like yourself too much.’ Please, god, like yourself too much!”
Uncertainty is Okay
From Halsey:
“Just because I haven’t found my path doesn’t mean that one doesn’t exist for me.”
Setbacks Happen. Don’t Let Them Stop You.
From Hillary Clinton:
“[T]o the young people in particular, I hope you will hear this. I have…spent my entire adult life fighting for what I believe in. I have had successes and I have had setbacks. Sometimes really painful ones. Many of you are at the beginning of your professional public and political careers. You will have successes and setbacks, too. This loss hurts but please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it.”
Surround Yourself With Positivity
From Maya Angelou:
“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.”
You’re Not Alone
From Michelle Obama:
“Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. And I cannot stress that enough…Whatever else comes next, you will face plenty of obstacles. There will be times when you find yourself struggling. And at first, you might not know where to turn to for help. Or maybe you might be too embarrassed to ask. And trust me, I know how that feels…If you understand that getting help isn’t a sign of weakness but a sign of strength, then I guarantee you that you will get what you need to succeed.”