If you are a fan of the Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time, you’ll love this show called Bee and PuppyCat. Written by Natasha Allegri and directed by Larry Leichliter, the series is based around main character Bee, a quirky twenty-year-old woman who just lost her job and stumbles upon a mysterious creature named PuppyCat. Bee and PuppyCat have a hilarious but strange relationship; Bee follows in PuppyCat’s footsteps as this interdimensional being receives letters from his otherworldly employers who assign him to do strange tasks.
Each episode revolves around Bee and her not only trying to keep up with PuppyCat’s ridiculous jobs, but also her relationship with a boy named Deckard. These two have an odd relationship, the typical scenario of friends that like each other more than that but are too shy to ever say anything. They are both awkward and sweet towards each other and you are rooting for them throughout the whole show. Who knows, maybe they even get together in the end (or do they?).
The first episode of Bee and PuppyCat aired in August of 2013 and was viewed by almost 4 million fans. Due to the overwhelming response, Cartoon Hangover announced a kickstarter campaign to fund the full-length series. By the end of the deadline on November 14, 2013, the Kickstarter reached $872,133 with 18,209 supporters and they were able to make a total of nine episodes. It even broke the record for the most funded web series project on Kickstarter!
So if you want to see a show that includes a cute cat/dog fighting aliens with a quirky twenty-something struggling to fit in adult society, this is for you. The series in its entirety can be found on the Cartoon Hangover section of the VRV mobile app, or watch the first season on the Cartoon Hangover YouTube channel. Trust me, you won’t regret it.