When you spend all day checking items off of your to-do list, it’s easy to forget how valuable a little downtime can be. Take a break. You need one! And if you need some inspiration, check out what Her Campus Emerson contributors do when they happen upon an hour of free time.
“I really love going for runs throughout the city. Boston is such a diverse and scenic city, and giving myself an hour to just run the streets and see what I find is so stress-relieving to me.”
Marissa Ericson // Junior // Writing, Literature & Publishing
“During the semester, there’s a stack of magazines that always seems to reside, and constantly grow, on the corner of my table. When I get even an hour of free time, I like to sit down with a cup of coffee, maybe a bagel, and just dive right into my latest Glamour, In Style, Esquire, or whatever else is sitting there. It’s nice to take a break from the stress of my own world, learn about the rest of the world for a few minutes, and catch up on the latest news and trends.”
Lauren Landry // Senior // Writing, Literature & Publishing
“I always like to pull out a magazine or play a few games of sudoku if I have a few extra minutes just to myself. I’m not able to do it as often as I’d like to, so I get really excited when I do get that time. When my schedule gets very busy, I tend to never stop thinking about what I have to do next, especially before going to bed. Giving myself some time off from that allows my mind to just relax.”
Corey Catanese // Freshman // Marketing Communication
“I like constantly working because it gives me a sense of accomplishment and constant involvement, and it keeps me from getting bored with any one of the projects I’m working on. However, there is nothing like cooking a meal at the end of a long day or retreating behind a book on my Kindle while riding the T.”
Larissa Green // Senior // Writing, Literature & Publishing
“When I find an hour of downtime, I like sitting somewhere comfy and reading. I usually catch up with the local news on Boston.com or entertain myself with the latest Jezebel posts, but I also love reading Real Simple. It’s articles are all about being more efficient and relaxed, so I grab a few tips here and there on how to create even more downtime for myself. Plus, I love cutting out the recipes so that, next time I have an hour free, I can reward myself with a well-made dinner.”
Shana Wickett // Senior // Print & Multimedia Journalism
“Regardless of how busy I am, I always make time to watch one of my favorite reality shows. It’s a great way to clear my mind. And besides, watching bachelor Brad Womack decide if he’s going to marry beautiful Emily or fun-loving Chantal reminds me that in life, some people’s problems are way bigger than mine.”
Nikki Fig // Senior // Broadcast Journalism
“SLEEP. I’ve mastered the 20-minute power nap. I went through this phase where I’d read about sleep cycles and discovered how much I drifted in and out of REM sleep. It was interesting to read, and even more interesting how much more energized I felt afterwards!”
Lorena // Junior // Writing for Film & TV
Photo Credit: Marissa Ericson