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Timeless Chick-flicks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Every now and then we all love watching chick flicks, whether it’s a rainy day in solitude or making your boyfriend stay in for movie night (to a movie of our choice).  There is nothing like putting on pajamas and having a tub of popcorn or ice cream to our favorite chick flicks to laugh and cry about.

Here are a couple of timeless chick flicks that you will enjoy.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

Dirty Dancing (1987)

When Harry Met Sally (1989)


Say Anything (1989)

Steel Magnolis (1989)

Pretty Woman (1990)


My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997)

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Bridge Jones’s Diary (2000)

The Notebook (2004)


Lorena Mora is a student at Emerson College currently pursuing a degree in visual & media arts. Other interests include social media, passion tea lemonade, blogging, baby animals, spending the day at IKEA, baking cupcakes, and traveling the East Coast. An avid blogger, lorena has written for such publications as Em magazine, Her campus.com, Cliche Magazine and on her own movie-review blog, The Aftertaste. Lorena currently serves as President and Editor In Chief of the Her Campus Emerson branch.