1. Take a break from social media
Social media can be very anxiety-provoking. We often don’t even realize how much we are checking in on certain apps, and how involved we are in what everyone else is doing. Try to challenge yourself to take a few hours, or even a few days, off from looking at any social media. This way, there is less time for comparing yourself to others, and more time to focus on what you love about you! In fact, what we see online usually isn’t even realistic, but we still seem to get caught up in it!
2. Choose fun, self-loving outfits
Wearing clothes that make you feel beautiful and comfortable is very important! Choose outfits for spring break that make you want to go out and have fun, or throw on some sweats and cozy pajamas and curl up at home for a relaxing night. No matter what, make sure your clothes are making you feel good and beautiful, like you are!
3. Do what YOU want to do
Sometimes all we want to do is stay home and relax, and that is ay-okay! If your friends are going to a resort, but it isn’t what would make you feel happy, then choose something else to do! It is okay to say no to plans! Make sure you’re not isolating yourself, but also make sure you’re listening to yourself and your body.
4. Self-care
Taking care of yourself is always important! Over break, treat yourself to a massage, or a mani-pedi. You can even do your own face mask at home! Do something that will put you in a relaxing mood and get away from reality for a little bit!
5. Appreciate one thing about yourself everyday Everyday, write down one part of yourself that you are thankful for. For example, your nose, because it lets you smell so many delicious smells, or your legs, which let you walk! We often take our own bodies for granted, and forget how much they do for us. So rather than critiquing yourself everyday, focus on something you are thankful for and like about yourself!