Read on to find out how our team is bettering itself in 2018!
Name: Gianna Mangiarelli
Class Year: Sophomore
New Year’s Resolution: My New Year’s resolution is to drink more water, which is proving to be more difficult than I anticipated! Luckily, I downloaded super cute water tracker app for Android phones with a little water droplet that gets happy when I drink more water. For iPhone users, there is a fun water tracker app that allows you to grow your own customized plants as you drink more water.
Name: Rae Erdos-Steinberg
Class Year: Freshman
New Year’s Resolution: My New Year’s resolution is to allow myself to have more fun. Last semester, I was always staying in on the weekends and was convinced that I had to be resting on the weekends since the weekdays are so busy. Yes, sleep is of course important, but I need to allow myself to have more fun time where I’m not worrying about school or anything else– whether this means going out to a meal, or staying up late with friends; it can be anything!
Name: Tatum Fales
Class Year: Sophomore
New Year’s Resolution: My New Year’s resolution is to hit the gym at least three times a week. I know it’s super cliché, but I’ve made it my mission to stick to my workouts this year. I usually give up on it about two weeks in, but in the past my resolution was only to lose weight. This year I’m changing my outlook on the gym. I’m going to see it less as a weight loss mission and more as a healthy lifestyle choice. This year, I’m dedicated to being as happy and healthy as possible, and weekly gym visits are only a minor step in the direction to get there!
Name: Victoria Dias
Class Year: Sophomore
New Year’s Resolution: My New Year’s resolution is to read more books! Reading is something I really enjoy and I haven’t been doing it in the recent years, so I’ve challenged myself to read at least a few pages a day and I’ve been so much happier!
Name: Emily Tessier
Class Year: Junior
New Year’s Resolution: My New Year’s resolution is to enjoy college more. I always find myself stressed about assignments, thinking about my senior thesis, and wondering how I’ll be able to find a job in my field after I graduate. But I always seem to forget that college is the best four years of your life, and I should be spending it doing what I love and having fun. I have the rest of my life to stress out over being an adult, but I only have the next three semesters to be a college student.
Name: Victoria Harding
Class Year: Sophomore
New Year’s Resolution: My New Year’s resolution is to feel more comfortable going makeup free. I have loved doing my makeup for years and I have struggled with acne since middle school but I want to feel confident enough in my own skin to be able to get up and go about my day without needing makeup to feel like I look ok and I hope as a result my skin will improve as well!
Happy New Year and good luck on those resolutions collegiettes!