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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Recently, I have realized how far I have come in loving my curly hair. It was definitely a journey but I believe it is an important part of my identity today. I got my curly hair from my mom and grandma, so it feels like I always have a piece of them with me. Growing up, not many of my friends had curly hair. I would always brush my hair when it was dry, leading to a frizzy wavy mess. I think being at college has also helped, as some of my friends have similar hair types. Over the years, I have found ways to have good hair days and love my curls. 

It took a long time for me to realize the length of my hair changed how the curls turned out. When I was younger, my hair was always short, like my mom. It was cute at the time but it always led to awkward stages and being confused why my hair never looked as perfect as my moms. I began letting it get longer, leading me to feel more comfortable. Although I didn’t have tight ringlets like my mom, I began to see long flowy curls. It also helped that I started parting my hair in the middle rather than on the side. Although I cringe anytime I think about how I looked during those awkward stages, I see it as a right of passage. 

Finding the right hairdresser has made the biggest impact. The first time I went to this specific hairdresser, I was a little concerned because I have never had my hair cut dry. I am glad I trusted the process because I loved it and have gone to the same place ever since. I had found a certain cut that works best for me and have gotten the same thing ever since. At one point, I felt like I should try having it cut short again for a dramatic change. My hairdresser asked me “why? You have found what works best!” I have thought about that ever since and stuck with what I know.

Coming up with the right routine and products also makes a big difference. Some products work better for me than others. I have found success using the Redken curl cream as it doesn’t weigh down my hair. Fancy shampoos also don’t work well for me. Don’t even get me started on when I spent so much money on a shampoo and conditioner for my hair to be greasy when it dries. Although I do get some funny looks, I use a cotton shirt to dry my hair, it helps with frizziness. If I have the time, I also use a diffuser to fully dry my hair. 

I wish I could tell my younger self that the awkward stages don’t last forever. That there is no need to constantly brush my hair out or straighten my hair. I am beautiful with curly hair and it makes me feel unique. It is one of the many ways I feel connected to my loved ones. I am so glad I trusted the process and found what works best for my hair. 

Nora Abel

Emmanuel '27

Hi! My name is Nora. I’m a Developmental Psychology Major at Emmanuel