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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

We all know that learning can be stressful, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. We live in a world where education is so readily accessible on our devices, that there is no reason to be unaware of current events. Personally, one of my favorite pass-times, especially during the past couple of weeks has been TikTok. Yes, it’s an addiction, and no, it’s not the unhealthy kind. Transform your TikTok addiction into a healthy and worthwhile experience by taking a look at my top seven favorite doctors on the app! There’s no reason why learning can’t be both fun and educational! Many doctors have taken to the platform to discuss many medical issues and common questions teens and young adults have, but are too afraid to ask about. By following these accounts you can easily get the answers you’ve always wanted! Doctors from every spectrum of the medical field are at your disposal to dispense unlimited amounts of knowledge and even fun facts about medicine.


Dr. Magnolia Printz is a board certified anesthesiologist at Waukesha Memorial Hospital in Wisconsin. She currently has 388.5 K TikTok followers, and uses her platform on a daily basis to educate people on the current topics in medicine. Dr. Printz presents information regarding the medical school application process, all the way to discussing fun facts about anesthesiology and how to stay healthy on a daily basis. By adding a little music and some dancing, she manages to entertain her followers while still teaching everyone about the importance of personal protective equipment!


Dr. Jess Andrade is a pediatric resident in Massachusetts and her end goal is to be a sports medicine doctor! She currently has a following of 177.1K people on TikTok. She uses her platform to talk about tips and tricks for surviving residency and medical school, and her personal experiences as a doctor. She takes her followers through her journey of becoming a doctor in the hopes that she will motivate and inspire others to take a similar path. Dr. Andrade’s content serves as a major de-stressor for students like me who plan on going to medical school in the future by making the process seem manageable!


Dr. Austin Chiang is both a gastroenterologist and a professor at Thomas Jefferson University. Dr. Chiang uses his account to bring awareness and attention to medical issues that are current along with many issues that aren’t talked about enough. He utilizes his sense of humor to grab the attention of his 136.6K followers, while still feeding the facts to his audience. His content covers all areas of medicine from gastroenterology to cardiology to current pathology. Dr. Chiang squashes medical rumors and mysteries in his videos in order to set the record straight. By educating the public through his platform Dr. Chiang has definitely made a statement in medicine and on social media.


Dr. Fayez is an emergency medicine physician. He uses his platform of 380.1K followers to talk about his personal experience of being a young doctor. His success in the medical field at such a young age is both admirable and inspiring. He talks about his personal experiences from applying to medical school to what a day in the life of an emergency doctor looks like. One of the things I enjoy about Dr. Fayez’s account, in comparison to others, is that he creates content showing trauma simulations as well as how doctors learn what to do in specific situations.


Dr. Jennifer Lincoln is an OB/GYN in Oregon. She uses her platform to educate the younger generation about the importance of safe sex and sexual health. These topics have become less taboo and are now finally starting to rise to the surface on social media as important topics in leading a healthy lifestyle as a young adult. Dr. Lincoln offers both advice and facts on how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and STI’s, how to choose and use the proper form of contraception, and more. She also gives general and in-depth education on the anatomy and different forms of hygiene associated with sexual organs. The significance of healthy romantic relationships is also an important topic Dr. Lincoln discusses on her platform by outlining signs of abuse and urging people to ask for help if they need it. Dr  Lincoln asserts the importance of safe sex practices while letting all of her followers know that her account is a safe space.

6. @teawithmd

Dr. Joyce Park is a Stanford New York University educated Dermatologist. She uses her account to promote healthy skin care hacks and treatments. On her account she also manages to educate the public about many forms of skin disorders and how they can be treated both naturally and by doctors. She also addresses what stress and different foods can do to the skin and how to avoid those. Dr. Park also posts a ton of content reminding her followers that they are beautiful and important even on days when that can be hard to believe. Her account is always a nice pick-me-up on a bad day!


Dr . Richard (Ricky) Brown is a plastic surgeon with a following of 250.8K people on TikTok. He utilizes his platform to motivate prospective medical school students to try their best and accomplish amazing things. Dr. Brown diffuses a lot of misconceptions about the field of plastic surgery and outlines why his field is important in medicine. He demonstrates techniques and shares fun facts about medicine on a daily basis. In order to keep his followers entertained he adds a substantial amount of humor to each video while still conveying serious medical information to his audience.

The above are some of my favorite TikTok doctors on the platform! Obviously there are many more, but these doctors outline a huge array of specific practices while still including information from all areas of medicine. All of these physicians make what may seem like daunting medical information easy to understand and fun to learn!

I am a Biology major with a concentration in health sciences at Emmanuel College. In my free time I like to scuba dive and paint!
Her Campus Emmanuel